Use "adena adeno-" in a sentence

1. Thank you, Adena.

2. Adena died in the yard.

3. Jangle jangle, the sound of rolling adena.

4. Adena was wearing heart shaped earrings.

5. Adena resold the zinc it purchased outside the Community (for example, in North America - Adena document dated 6 June 1973).

6. Why doesn't he rescue her or Adena Watson?

7. I'll be back for you, my pretty Adena.

8. Adena T. Friedman (born 1969) is an American businessperson.

9. "No." "Adena, he doesn’t understand what is happening.

10. The couple who found Adena in their back yard.

11. [Müllerian papillary adeno-fibromata and müllerian Adenosarcomata

12. The book Adena checked out on the day she disappeared.

13. Does this'nothing'have anything to do with Adena Watson's murder?

14. Orinoco Delta travel guide by adena is this text outdated?

15. In 11/96, there was anastomotic adeno carcinoma recurrence, including the distal oesophagus.

16. There is also evidence of participation in the Adena mortuary complex.

17. Cabo Polonio travel guide by adena is this text outdated?

18. Adenoviruses and Adeno-Associated Viruses (AAVs) are two types of viral vectors used for gene delivery

19. On 8 March 1974 the ZPG decided to wind Adena up.

20. How did you know Adena Watson's body was in that back yard?

21. I need good news on the Adena Watson case and the Officer Thormann shooting.

22. Adeno-associated viral vectors and methods for their production from hybrid adenovirus and for their use

23. The public doesn't know is that Adena was violated with a metal pipe.

24. My grandmother Adena Warnick Swenson taught me to be conscientious in priesthood service.

25. The 22-mile Hockhocking Adena Bikeway follows the Hocking River along an old railroad bed

26. The safety of intramuscular injection of recombinant adeno - associated virus ( AAV ) - mF to rescue hemophilia B was assessed.

27. Friends cruise the Hockhocking Adena Bikeway near mile marker 3 in Athens, Ohio

28. (31) Adena Metal SA was set up in Zuerich on 24 January 1969.

29. He murmurs, "I feel like I’m fading away, but Adena, I have a question for you."

30. Lasting traces of Adena culture are still seen in the remains of their substantial earthworks.

31. I tell you, if Adena was killed here imagine what her last hours were like.

32. He lives alone within walking distance where Adena was found, and doesn't own a car.

33. Wright (1998) has suggested a possible adoption of 'Adena religion' by some segments of Maritime culture.

34. Although the mounds are beautiful artistic achievements themselves, Adena artists created smaller, more personal pieces of art.

35. By designing Capsids that confer improved functional properties to Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) vectors, Dyno’s proprietary CapsidMap™ platform overcomes the …

36. In the later Adena period, circular ridges of unknown function were sometimes constructed around the burial earthworks.

37. The importance of the Adena complex comes from its considerable influence on other contemporary and succeeding cultures.

38. The protein shell (Capsid) of Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are presently the most promising delivery vehicles for various in vivo gene therapies

39. My Aunt Adena Nell Gourley told of an experience from many years ago with her father—my grandfather, Helge V.

40. The development of a rat model exhibiting Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) of αSyn by recombinant adeno-associated virus facilitates detection of the toxic αSyn oligomers species

41. The replication of avian adeno-like virus from chickens (CELO) in chicken-kidney-tissue cultures takes essentially the same course as the replication of human adenovirus.

42. We are the largest MMORPG virtual trading network for FFXI Gil , Final Fantasy XI Gil , WoW gold , Lineage 2 Adena and other gaming currency.

43. Adeno-associated and adenovirus are used as gene delivery vectors for the nucleic acid segments to product long term over-expression of S100A1, a small calcium sensing protein associated with the disclosed ailments and dysfunctions.

44. About 70 per cent of the tumors were carcinoma, largely carcinoma of the squamous epithelium with adenoid structures, and a few instances of adeno-carcinoma. 30 per cent of the tumors were sarcoma.

45. Under an agreement signed on 30 April 1969 inter alia RTZ, UM, Billiton, MG, PAG and Penarroya undertook to subscribe shares in Adena either direct or through associated companies.

46. Adena in turn signed on 27 May 1969 an agreement with a company called Cassamet SA of Zuerich, under which Cassamet was to buy zinc on the LME on Adena's behalf.

47. Adenalgy Aden-Abyan Islamic Army Adenanthera Adenanthera pavonina Adenauer Aden ulcer Ademption Adelocodonic Adelopod Adelphia Adelphous adenectomy adeniform adenocarcinomata adenocarcinomatous Adenographic Adenography adenocarcinoma Adeno-adenines adenitis Adenium multiflorum Adenium obesum additionally additional adamance Adam's Peak

48. Adena carried out zinc-buying on the LME on the ZPG's instructions, in order to keep the zinc price at the level the ZPG desired, from July 1969 until the middle of 1973.

49. This is confirmed, for example, by the fact that KZM and Budel's shares of all the costs and distributions arising from the activities of Adena (see point 31) were imputed by the ZPG to Billiton.

50. His father was in China, serving in the U.S. military near the end of World War II, so Todd and his mother lived with Sister Christofferson’s parents, Helge and Adena Swenson, for approximately 18 months.

51. I am of course concerned to know how another country, Spain, was able to export almost 9 000 tonnes of tuna in 2006 when it only declared having captured 4 700 tonnes, as organisations such as Greenpeace or Adena have noted.

52. Meanwhile, you are aware that the framework directive says that participation from citizens is very important and, so far, associations such as ADENA, Ecologistas en Acción or groups of experts have not received an official response to their very well-documented allegations.

53. The changes in the implementation (such as the switch from the use of Merafine to the new firm Adena or from prior agreement of the producer price to mere collusion over intended price changes) do not affect this finding.

54. Skull kasm resc^ission cogboat isseis Ampyces corymb galei rhombic tempters** nicotines ge.llert zirconate* adeno,blast avowal kerslam ferr edoxin gassing decarboxylization huffle negativist uranopla sty sparm apoaconitine lunets tri chomonias`is chummier an ti**convulsant substant*ivity blessedest tab lespoonsful punt anhinga odal isks oddsman

55. A proangiogenic factor (e.g., VEGF) or a means of delivering a pro-angiogenic factor (e.g., a genetically engineered adenovirus, adeno-asssociated virus, or cells) is administered to the heart in order to promote new blood vessel growth in an ischemic or damaged area of the patient heart.

56. At the meeting of the ZPG held on 27 November 1968 it was decided to wind up Merafine (which in 1968 had a turnover of over SwF 10 million) and to form a new Swiss company Adena Metal SA (capital in 1970: SwF 12 million).

57. A total of 961 birds of various protected species have died in Spain through poisoning since 1990, according to figures produced by the Antidote programme, which coordinates the activities of eight environmental organisations, including WWF/Adena, working to combat the illegal use of poisoned feed on small-game reserves.

58. An Adenoma is the general name for a tumor (‘oma‘) which develops primarily from glandular tissue (adeno cells).An Adenoma would be considered a ‘proliferative‘ neoplasm, and can create a good deal of concern that it might be carinoma, but they are considered benign.Adenomas can develop in many body organs, including the thyroid, the colon, and adrenal …

59. 32 Admittedly, according to a report of WWF/Adena of September 2007 (Informe sobre el camino agricola asfaltado Villamanrique de la Condesa (Seville) – El Rocío (Huelva)), the wildlife crossings built have proved to be unusable and useless because of design faults and lack of maintenance or failure to implement additional corrective measures.

60. 46 As regards the animal fencing, the WWF/Adena report referred to in paragraph 32 above indicates that this has not been erected along the entire length of the road between Villamanrique de la Condesa and El Rocío, one side of that road remaining unfenced for a section of approximately three kilometres.

61. In its representations to the Spanish National Hydrological Plan (PHN) the WWF/ADENA organisation submitted a document (also sent to the Commission) drawing attention to the danger that many of the 71 areas eligible for declaration as sites of Community interest would not be taken into account by the Spanish authorities when designating Natura 2000 areas.