Use "acedia" in a sentence

1. Acedia (or sloth) Notes on Acedia

2. Undifficultly Cerotypes oxidimetry saturnic oficina ethnicon acedia

3. Acedia (Latin, acedia "without care") (from Greek ἀκηδία) is the neglect to take care of something that one should do.

4. What is Acedia? Everyone has struggled with Acedia, or “the noonday devil” at some point in their lives

5. Accidie (acedia) One of the seven capital sins

6. The great doctor of acedia is Evagrius Ponticus.

7. Acedia is not a sin per se (although it can lead to sin), nor is Acedia depression (which is a mental illness)

8. When Acedia strikes, it creates an urge to

9. Acedia is a spiritual malady with a fascinating history

10. Acedia is more subtle: it attempts to reduce desire

11. However, Cassian’s teaching on acedia, or boredom, has some original features.

12. Acedia comes from Greek, and means “a lack of care.”

13. The importance of Cassian in relation to acedia is twofold.

14. The best single source on the spiritual topic of Acedia

15. Acedia is a spiritual malady that requires a physical cure

16. Acedia appears throughout monastic and other literature of the Middle Ages

17. Acedia appears throughout monastic and other literature of the Middle Ages

18. Acedia comes from a combination of the negative prefix a- and the Greek noun kēdos, meaning "care, concern, or grief." (The Greek word akēdeia became Acedia in Late Latin, and that spelling was retained in English.) Acedia initially referred specifically to the "deadly sin" of sloth.

19. Acedia appears throughout monastic and other literature of the Middle Ages

20. Our contemporaries seem unaware they are facing the age-old demon of Acedia.

21. Don’t these good works refer somehow to the noontime scourge of acedia?

22. Thomas Aquinas gives two definitions of Acedia in his Summa theologiae: “sadness …

23. Thomas Aquinas, Acedia is a kind of sadness about things that are spiritual

24. Acedia is a lot like the pandemic: It spreads rapidly through confined quarters

25. It presents acedia as an obstacle to lectio divina, through which the monk or nun tends toward God. Acedia chills the palate and prevents savouring the taste of heavenly realities, even the sweetness of God himself.

26. Acedia attacks what I'd say is the giftedness of the moment.” For parents, Ayre said Acedia might manifest itself in a temptation to stay in bed when the children are up at 3 a.m

27. Let us attempt to sketch an overall global vision of the history of acedia.

28. Its name is “Acedia.” The first mention of Acedia in Christian literature comes from the 4th-century Desert Father, Evagrius of Pontus, in his Antirrhetikos, the first and most complete early Christian book on demonology

29. Sadness is burdensome and Acedia is irresistible, but tears shed before God are stronger than both

30. See 3 authoritative translations of Acedia in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

31. The new DARK AGE album „Acedia“ will be in stores on November, 13, 2009.

32. Evan: That’s it for this episode, but as I said, you can find a wealth of directions and reflections on Acedia in Norris’s book, Acedia & me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer’s Life

33. Benedict’s concept of acedia is fairly close to that of John Cassian in his Institutes, where acedia, laziness and sadness are always found together and manual work is the generic medicine that cures them.

34. Acedia occupies a central place in the moral teaching of Saint Thomas as a whole.

35. The sad person finds relief more easily, whereas the one besieged by acedia is trapped.

36. The term Acedia is derived from the ancient Greek word akēdeia meaning “lack of care.”

37. The opposite of Acedia is caring very deeply, and it’s loving, which I find very liberating

38. Acedia is not human discouragement or pervading sense of hopelessness, which are natural reactions in difficulty

39. Acedia became a part of sadness and its aspect of laziness or unhealthy idleness was stressed.

40. Thomas Aquinas, Acedia is a kind of sadness about things that are spiritual goods, or a “disgust with activity.”

41. Just as when sweet wine spoils it becomes acid, so the joy of charity, when it sours, becomes acedia.

42. Despite all that has been said, one more word is called for concerning the fight against acedia.

43. Acedia (アケディア Akedia) is a Black Knights and an antagonist of Sin, Damnation and the Atonement Girl

44. Ace, -acea, -aceae, Ace bandage, acebutolol, Acedia, Aceh, ace-high, Acehnese, ACE inhibitor, ace in the hole

45. Since acedia stirs up all the other vices, it cannot be cured by a single contrary virtue.

46. All of this helps us understand why acedia is associated with sorrow, laziness or idleness, and envy.

47. In fact acedia goes against the desire for God and, above all, the joy that comes from union with him.

48. Saint Benedict, in his Rule, only mentions acedia once: in Chapter 48 dedicated to manual work and reading.

49. We can add one more word about this self-centred sorrow, which will help us understand acedia better.

50. Acedia is set on a country estate where six priests are sent to rid a teenage girl of demons

51. Thomas Aquinas, Acedia is a kind of sadness about things that are spiritual goods, or a “disgust with activity.”

52. Aside from Superbia, Acedia seems to be the only one who is completely loyal to Avaritia without questions

53. Sadness, or self-pity, is the twin sister of acedia. They are similar in some respects, but not identical.

54. Acedia is a form of spiritual laziness due to relaxed vigilance and a lack of custody of the heart.

55. It sounds a little like today’s sloth, and Acedia is indeed considered a precursor to today’s sin of laziness

56. The second point is the great Benedictine medicine against acedia, namely “the monastic enclosure and stability in the community”!

57. Despite its prevalence in our culture, Acedia may be the least understood of the seven capital vices, or 'deadly sins.'

58. Taking Saint Gregory as his guiding principle, Thomas then attempts to harmonize the different known lists of sins derived from acedia.

59. In Latin, there is a family of words related to acedia, such as acer (sharp, bitter), acetum (vinegar), and acerbum (harsh) which, taken figuratively, makes us think that the persons suffering from acedia have received a high dose of acidity, making them to be like vinegar.

60. ‘Raposa takes the possibility of voluntary consent to Acedia seriously, but he is more particularly concerned with boredom as a significant but ambiguous fact of the spiritual life.’ ‘Medieval English writers often speak of Acedia as wanhope, a waning of confidence in the efficacy and importance of prayer.’

61. Mike Schmitz delivers a timely video in the midst of our Lenten journey as he explores the ancient concept of Acedia

62. Sadness is a temporary, part-time experience, but acedia is global and permanent. In this sense it is opposed to human nature.

63. I will begin by identifying with the traditional reference to “capital vices and sins” in general and to acedia in particular.

64. “Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right.” (2 Thessalonians 3:13) Acedia is a word from the Christian tradition.

65. Here again, is a probing paragraph from Norris: “The person afflicted with Acedia refuses to care or is incapable of doing so.

66. Outside of Evagrius’s ‘Eight Thoughts’, Acedia appears most commonly as a species of distress or sadness (Greek, lupê; Latin, dolor/aegritudo )

67. This is the thrust followed by Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Thomas. For them, laziness or idleness is a result of acedia.

68. Acedia might be described as a depression that acknowledges the work of a demonic force intent on breaking the monk’s spiritual resolve

69. Acedia regarding holy things: No desire to care/pray, no ability to hear, no sense of peace … all are symptomatic of demonic attack

70. As a result, I look on acedia as an evil which interferes, blocks and misguides us in our search and discovery of God.

71. The vices can be linked to the seven, so-called, capital sins which are: pride, avarice, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth or acedia.

72. "At its core, Acedia is aversion to our relationship to God because of the transforming demands of his love," Rebecca DeYoung explains.

73. To be stricken with Acedia is to be derelict toward one's own spiritual life; it consists in a dearth of concern for one's salvation.

74. A hurried pastoral ministry is a temptation likened to her stepsister, i.e. the acedia that leads to intolerance, as though everything were a burden.

75. For many centuries, acedia was almost missing from the vocabulary used by spiritual authors, which does not mean that it did not exist in practice.

76. The most interesting one concerns the “sons and daughters of acedia,” namely idleness, sleepiness, inappropriateness, unrest, wanderlust, instability of spirit and body, verbosity and curiosity.

77. Acedia is a Greek word that names a state of languor or torpor, of unconcern or dissatisfaction with one's condition or action in the world

78. 16 hours ago · Prone to Acedia, I've become content in my isolation, and I fight to rouse myself to give a damn

79. Acedia is a Greek word that names a state of languor or torpor, of unconcern or dissatisfaction with one's condition or action in the world

80. More specifically, acedia is one of the sins against internal acts of love, that is, it is to be sorrowful about the divine good, which charity rejoices in.