Use "absolute zero" in a sentence

1. It's absolute zero... 460gF below zero.

2. Absolute- Zero away!

3. And so zero degrees Kelvin is absolute zero.

4. Absolute Zero response drift

5. Of course, absolute zero

6. The absolute value of zero.

7. The Quest for Absolute Zero.

8. Three degrees Celsius above absolute zero.

9. It's 20 degrees below absolute zero.

10. Note: “-” means absolute value equals zero.

11. Your value to me, to my company now is zero, absolute zero.

12. As an actor he was absolute zero

13. less than three degrees above absolute zero.

14. The rest of my life is an absolute zero.

15. The corresponding Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales set their zero points at absolute zero by definition.

16. Zero degrees on the Kelvin scale is absolute zero, the lowermost limit of the temperature scale.

17. I designed a compact cryo-engine to achieve absolute zero.

18. At absolute zero, particles stop moving completely and all disorder disappears.

19. 0.9 mK and thus very close to the absolute zero point.

20. Kiryu is equipped with a weapon called the Absolute- Zero Gun

21. So you can view absolute value as the distance from zero

22. Because in the Kelvin scale, absolute zero is defined as 0.

23. Helium-4 is a liquid at normal pressure near absolute zero, a consequence of its high zero-point energy (ZPE).

24. Absolute zero, temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy

25. The chamber is cooled to within a few degrees of absolute zero.

26. Little by little it gets colder until eventually it approaches absolute zero.

27. Cooling microscopic objects to temperatures near absolute zero requires unconventional refrigeration technologies.

28. The third law of thermodynamics simply stated is, " The entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is exactly equal to zero. "

29. Please, I need an absolute zero and everyone says that you'd be perfect.

30. Find top songs and albums by Anabiosis including Absolute Zero, Adaptation and more.

31. When cooled to temperatures approximating absolute zero, many atoms demonstrate novel quantum behaviours.

32. Absolute zero has been set at -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit, or -273.15 degrees Celsius.

33. 14 Absolute zero entropy is defined as the state of a pure, crystalline solid at absolute zero temperature. Each molecule is surrounded by identical molecules in a perfectly ordered structure at rest.

34. So in a sense this is an absolute zero-carbon, zero-fossil fuel electric mile at two cents a mile by 2020.

35. So in a sense this is an absolute zero- carbon, zero- fossil fuel electric mile at two cents a mile by 2020.

36. (3) If a modification is less dense, it is less stable at absolute zero.

37. Even at Neptune, 40 degrees above absolute zero, even there, there were geysers erupting.

38. The average temperature of the universe would asymptotically approach absolute zero—a Big Freeze.

39. But only for a few seconds, _ _ _ _.and only at a temperature of absolute zero.

40. The tic-toc-rhythm is “absolute” when the index of arrhythmia is zero msecs.

41. Above absolute zero, thermal motions will introduce random perturbations to the chromophores local environment.

42. This extremely low temperature is a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero.

43. Finally, the entire structure was cooled to within a couple of degrees of absolute zero.

44. Kiryu is heavily damaged, missing its right arm, and the Absolute Zero Cannon is devastated.

45. The absolute value of a number may be thought of as its distance from zero.

46. In order to prevent from data fault during power failure,(Sentence dictionary) grating torque sensor provides absolute zero position signal with zero position grating.

47. A sophisticated cryogenic system (a cryostat) cools their detectors to temperatures close to absolute zero.

48. More than 2000 litres of super-fluid helium cool the instrument to almost absolute zero.

49. At absolute zero the lifetime of the excited state influenced by the lattice is T1.

50. 1848 Lord Kelvin establishes concept of absolute zero, the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases.

51. In low temperature studies, scientists prefer to use the Kelvin scale, which starts at absolute zero.

52. Absolute Zero The theoretical temperature at which materials have no thermal energy (and presumably would not deteriorate).

53. About 100 years ago, a Dutch physicist cooled mercury close to absolute zero, the lowest temperature theoretically achievable.

54. For all polymers the dielectric loss decreases in principle monotonely with the approximation of the absolute Zero-point.

55. The absolute value of a number is the distance between the number and zero on the number line.

56. 1 The whole universe should approach an absolute zero temperature within 10100 years, even black holes having evaporated.


58. However, many technological advances are still required since the temperatures, though elevated compared to absolute zero, remain too low.

59. The coefficient of i will be zero times zero minus zero times one. That is zero.

60. Love Ezekiel's Breads but want to keep the sodium at an absolute zero? Mulligan recommends this low-sodium sprouted loaf

61. In this scale the magnitude of the Planck temperature is equal to 1, while that of absolute zero is 0.

62. Zero parental stress, zero weirdly possessive friends and absolutely zero drama.

63. The concept Assumes: zero defects, zero setup time, small lot sizes, zero inventories, zero lead time, and reliable vendors

64. Code the absolute value of the dewpoint for TdTdTd, filling in a zero for the tens and units digit as required.

65. (J is the exchange coupling constant between conduction electrons and magnetic ions andɛF is the kinetic Fermi energy at absolute zero.)

66. According to the invention, the frequencies are chosen symmetrically around zero and the absolute phase errors are detected for both subcarriers.

67. Suppose you could take all the heat out of a block of ice and a block of gold —freezing them down to what is called absolute zero, 460 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-273 degrees C).

68. All non-zero nilpotent elements are zero divisors.

69. So that equals point zero zero two five.

70. The gigantic magnets enclosing them would be cooled with liquid helium to within four degrees of absolute zero (−273° C; −460° F).

71. For years I have struggled with an inferiority complex, and at times my level of self-respect has sunk to absolute zero.

72. While all molecular movement does not cease at Absolute zero, no energy from that motion is available for transfer to other systems.

73. The zero point on the Kelvin scale is known as absolute zero and it is theoretically the coldest temperature Achievable. By the same token, certain ingredients used in combination capture benefits not Achievable when used alone.

74. The Nernst heat theorem says that as absolute zero is approached, the entropy change ΔS for a chemical or physical transformation approaches 0.

75. Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio.

76. The two numbers are zero -- as in zero footprint or zero oil -- and scale it infinity.

77. Zero price means zero weight in the GDP statistics.

78. Positive outcomes on both goals will accelerate progress towards two key national goals: the eradication of absolute poverty, and zero HIV transmission by 2016.

79. Code zero.

80. Synonym of Absolutized: English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia Absolute Absolute may refer to: Science Absolute magnitude, the brightness of a starAbsolute zero, the lower limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, -273.15 °C See more at Dizionario inglese-italiano 1.0.012 Absolutized ASSOLUTIZZATO Babylon English-Turkish absolutize