Use "absolute temperature" in a sentence

1. Absolute temperature

2. absolute temperature (K).

3. This current is proportional-to-absolute-temperature (PTAT) and causes a voltage drop proportional-to-absolute-temperature.

4. absolute ambient temperature of balance environment.

5. Absolute temperature of the intake air

6. absolute temperature at venturi inlet, K

7. absolute ambient temperature of balance environment

8. absolute temperature at venturi inlet (K)

9. absolute temperature at venturi inlet [K]

10. vacuum-side absolute temperature at time t2 [K]

11. vacuum-side absolute temperature at time t1 [K]

12. Temperature is measured with an absolute accuracy of

13. T = the absolute temperature of the ingested air

14. TT is absolute temperature during the test (K).

15. is the absolute ambient temperature of balance environment’;

16. is the absolute temperature at venturi inlet, K

17. Temperature, measured in absolute temperature (kelvin) of the useful heat at point of delivery.

18. air pressure of # kPa absolute, and temperature of # °C

19. Temperature is normally measured with an absolute accuracy of

20. Temperature is measured with an absolute accuracy of 0.1K.

21. vacuum-side absolute temperature at time t 1 [K]

22. In addition, the absolute temperature is calculated by the addition of an atmospheric temperature sensor.

23. Vacuum absolute pressure measurement with resonator to excess temperature

24. vacuum-side absolute temperature at time t 2 [K]

25. In the metric system, the absolute temperature is the Centigrade temperature plus 273 and is known as the Kelvin temperature.

26. The temperature dependent voltage source (370, 380) can be a Proportional To Absolute Temperature (PTAT) device.

27. Temperature is measured with an absolute accuracy of 0.1 K.

28. The temperature is expressed in absolute units (Kelvin or Rankin).

29. Temperature is normally measured with an absolute accuracy of 0.1_C.

30. T = the absolute temperature in Kelvins of the engine induction air

31. The absolute pressure of the trapped gas and optionally the system absolute temperature shall be measured and recorded.

32. Absolute zero, temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy

33. K0120 Kelvin absolute temperature scale Thermodynamic scale of temperature (TK) defined by assigning to the triple point of pure water the temperature of 273.16 K.

34. Instrument for measuring the absolute temperature of solids, liq uids or gases

35. A0110 Absolute temperature scale (K0120) Thermodynamic scale of temperature (TK) defined by assigning to the triple point of pure water the temperature of 273.16 K.

36. flow of air in standard m#/min (# kPa absolute and temperature of # °C

37. Note for this verification, sample dew point is expressed in absolute temperature, Kelvin.

38. At constant density, these lineshifts appear to decrease slightly with decreasing absolute temperature.

39. For PObmax: Vapour pressure at maximum absolute liquid surface temperature in kPa read

40. Asphalt exhibits an absolute elasticity at an extremely low temperature but becomes a fully viscous fluid at a relatively high temperature

41. Computer software for analysing parameters, for quantifying phenomena incorporating an absolute temperature correction algorithm

42. Thus, the cell carries a proportional-to-absolute-temperature (PTAT) at the equilibrium point.

43. But only for a few seconds, _ _ _ _.and only at a temperature of absolute zero.

44. This extremely low temperature is a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero.

45. T = absolute temperature in Kelvin (° # ) above the pressure-relief devices in the accumulating condition

46. The average temperature of the universe would asymptotically approach absolute zero—a Big Freeze.

47. Assume absolute humidity remains constant, calculate VPD according to increase in temperature by 3(C

48. is the absolute temperature in kelvins (K) of the air drawn in by the engine

49. Elevated temperature treatment increased the absolute value of gs only at higher Dv and Tl.

50. is the absolute temperature in kelvins (K) of the air drawn in by the engine.

51. absolute temperature in Kelvin (°C + 273) above the pressure-relief devices in the accumulating condition;

52. At a constant temperature of 10 °C, the nitrogen is compressed to 5 bars absolute pressure.

53. 1848 Lord Kelvin establishes concept of absolute zero, the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases.

54. T is the absolute temperature in kelvins (K) of the air drawn in by the engine.

55. T is the absolute temperature in Kelvins (K) of the air drawn in by the engine.

56. The corresponding Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales set their zero points at absolute zero by definition.

57. T= absolute temperature in Kelvin (°C + 273) above the pressure-relief devices in the accumulating condition;

58. Q = flow of air in standard m3/min (100 kPa absolute and temperature of 15 °C)

59. T is the absolute temperature in Kelvins (K) of the air drawn in by the engine

60. Zero degrees on the Kelvin scale is absolute zero, the lowermost limit of the temperature scale.

61. In low temperature studies, scientists prefer to use the Kelvin scale, which starts at absolute zero.

62. T= absolute temperature in Kelvin at the pressure-relief devices in the accumulating condition ( # bar pressure

63. It is shown in this theory that entropy flux equals heat flux divided by the absolute temperature.

64. Absolute Zero The theoretical temperature at which materials have no thermal energy (and presumably would not deteriorate).

65. The paper differentiates between absolute and relative temperature thresholds when defining warm and cold spells of temperatures.

66. Apart from fluctuations in absolute values both wood species reacted similarly to temperature load and protective treatment.

67. Modification to the VPD was achieved assuming a constant absolute humidity and a # °C rise in temperature

68. The most common exceptions to the use of the absolute magnitude convention are temperature and LOGIC levels.

69. T= absolute temperature in Kelvin at the pressure-relief devices in the accumulating condition (24 bar pressure).

70. A voltage proportional to absolute temperature (VPTAT) is substracted from the peak value in a subtracter (29).

71. 1957 – Tigran Shmaonov reports that "the absolute effective temperature of the radioemission background ... is 4±3 K".

72. The present invention provides a catalytic ionic toothbrush including impurity semiconductors having a plurality of band gaps comprising different materials which can be responsive to a number of various conditions such as absolute zero temperature, finite temperature, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, body temperature, in-mouth temperature, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet rays, and DC power.

73. This method provides for the trimming of the absolute voltage by scaling the reference voltage at a first temperature to the desired value by a temperature independent voltage.

74. Modification to the VPD was achieved assuming a constant absolute humidity and a 3(C rise in temperature.

75. The absolute temperature (Ta) of the intake air at the inlet to the engine expressed in Kelvin, and ......"

76. About 100 years ago, a Dutch physicist cooled mercury close to absolute zero, the lowest temperature theoretically achievable.

77. The height of the excitation plateau increases approximately linearly with increasing relative and absolute humidity at constant temperature.

78. He derived an analogue of Gay-Lussac's law for the dependence of the osmotic pressure on absolute temperature.

79. 1 The whole universe should approach an absolute zero temperature within 10100 years, even black holes having evaporated.

80. There is a significant difference in accuracy attainable for differential versus an absolute temperature comparison using a thermocouple.