Use "absolute priority rule" in a sentence

1. They are my absolute priority.

2. Absolute priority on human health.

3. Fighting terrorism is the absolute priority.

4. It must be given absolute priority.

5. African development was an absolute priority.

6. Deepening Eurasian integration remains our absolute priority.

7. whereas combating poverty constitutes an absolute priority

8. For Somfy, innovation is an absolute priority.

9. Priority of Distress The distress call has absolute priority over all other transmissions.

10. "Some degree", however, does not mean absolute priority.

11. Control of inflation remains the government's absolute priority.

12. The absolute priority conferred on the child results in

13. Understandably, they took absolute priority over the quantitative measures.

14. Nuclear safety is an absolute priority for the EU.

15. Further promotion of Eurasian integration is our absolute priority.

16. The absolute priority conferred on the child results in:

17. Let us make delivery by Member States our absolute priority.

18. Accelerating recovery efforts must be the absolute priority for 2011.

19. Absolute priority should be given to the safety of peacekeepers.

20. The protection of civilians during armed conflicts is an absolute priority.

21. Accordingly, protection of intelligence assets and sources is an absolute priority.

22. It is therefore not advisable to give priority to this sector, not to mention according it absolute priority.

23. The settlement of the conflict has become the country's absolute priority

24. security of energy supply at all times, as an absolute priority;

25. This phase has become the absolute priority of the work programme.

26. The settlement of the conflict has become the country’s absolute priority.

27. This is an absolute priority for the EU's stability and security.

28. Further to this, absolute priority must be given to the economic reforms.

29. The completion of work on domestic projects continued to have absolute priority.

30. National priority objectives: Eliminate absolute poverty and accelerate poverty reduction in general.

31. The resolution does not emphasise that enlargement must be given absolute priority.

32. The other is for the Reich fuehrer Himmler - urgent, an absolute priority!

33. Reducing absolute poverty is one of the priority objectives on the Government’s agenda.

34. In this resolution the Council gives absolute priority to computerising the transit systems.

35. Nature has the absolute priority; visitors are invited to look, wonder and relax.

36. To prevent a regime imbued with an absolute ideology from gaining possession of the “absolute weapon” is Israel’s paramount priority.

37. Colombia's absolute priority was to bring about national reconciliation through dialogue and political negotiation

38. Thus, it is an absolute priority that the futures market be more strictly regulated.

39. The comprehensive protection of children and adolescents is assigned absolute priority in the Constitution

40. Relatives of the victims need to be informed first and should receive absolute priority.

41. Moreover, the safety and security of peacekeepers should continue to be an absolute priority.

42. The comprehensive protection of children and adolescents is assigned absolute priority in the Constitution.

43. Colombia’s absolute priority was to bring about national reconciliation through dialogue and political negotiation.

44. We see the opening up of markets on the international level as having absolute priority.

45. Noun Autarchy (countable and uncountable, plural autarchies) A condition of absolute power. autocracy: absolute rule by a single person.

46. The development of a client relationship management system is an absolute priority in this regard.

47. Dad felt his calling as an Apostle was an absolute priority—and for good reason.

48. In such a context, the situation of women and girls must be an absolute priority

49. In view of this alarming state of affairs, Afghanistan must remain an absolute priority for Europe.

50. The Kingdom is based on an unshakable foundation —Jehovah’s absolute right to rule.

51. E. whereas the need for safety has absolute priority over profitability and the guarantee of supplies,

52. An absolute disarmament priority for the Sudan is the issue of small arms and light weapons

53. Amnesty International's absolute priority is to ensure the best possible support for Mahamadi and Leila's families.

54. Irrespective of the often difficult causality and liability issues, immediate therapy should be given absolute priority.

55. This is the reason that the new Commission's framework programme must make this an absolute priority.

56. For stocks outside safe biological limits, the adoption of multiannual recovery plans is an absolute priority.

57. • As delays usually involve some inconvenience, keeping these to an absolute minimum is our top priority.

58. In this particular case the concept of universal service (and its future development) assumes absolute priority.

59. Looking after civilian victims, particularly the most vulnerable, should be an absolute priority - not an afterthought.”

60. The correction of a priority claim may include the addition of any indication referred to in Rule 4.10.

61. Justification Absolute priority must be given to full respect for human rights laws throughout the measure.

62. The health and safety of MEPs, employees and visitors to Parliament should be an absolute priority.

63. This is why deputy ministers give absolute priority to securing the collaboration of the department’s employees.

64. Indeed, in closing their skies, European governments seem to have given safety absolute priority over everything else.

65. Having dozens of TV channels at home is an absolute priority for an increasing number of Portuguese.

66. Like other members of the Non-Aligned Movement, Cuba has always made nuclear disarmament an absolute priority.

67. It's a matter of absolute priority that science begins to learn all it can about these forces.

68. The EESC calls for absolute priority to be given to the social partners and intermediary organisations concerned.

69. Employment promotion will continue, during the next five-year period, to be the national authorities’ absolute priority.

70. Like other members of the Non-Aligned Movement, Cuba has always made nuclear disarmament an absolute priority

71. The protection of civilians in armed conflict is, and must remain, an absolute priority for the Council.

72. Convinced that strengthened international cooperation is an absolute priority in combating transnational organized crime, corruption and terrorism;

73. Thus, in that weighing-up, the former interest was given absolute priority, to the detriment of the latter.

74. The national interests of the Palestinian people ought to have an absolute priority over any other political considerations.

75. Following the judgment in the case of Kalanke, positive measures may not give women absolute and unconditional priority.

76. Today absolute priority should be given to the convention, the adoption of which should not be further delayed.

77. A MAYDAY call has absolute priority over all other transmissions and is not addressed to a particular station.

78. Convinced that the strengthening of international cooperation is an absolute priority in combating terrorism and transnational organized crime;

79. Like the Non-Aligned Movement, Cuba has always given and will continue to give absolute priority to nuclear disarmament.

80. In Brunei, the absolute monarchy is able to consolidate its rule by implementing generous welfare programs.