Use "abound in" in a sentence

1. Examples abound in modern texts.

2. Wild animals abound in this park.

3. Interesting developments abound in this subject.

4. Examples of this abound in her book.

5. Germs and parasites abound in polluted water.

6. Opportunities for employment abound in this boomtown.

7. The rivers there abound in/with fish.

8. How to use Abound in a sentence.

9. Most of her poems abound in imagery.

10. Why, especially today, should we “abound in hope”?

11. How do we come to “abound in hope”?

12. Rich resources and hidden wealth abound in these areas.

13. Unconscious strategists abound in the pages of this book.

14. Similarly, “ridiculers with their ridicule” abound in the last days.

15. Outside the walls, squalor and pollution abound in the streets.

16. But problems abound in the management of State - owned companies.

17. They abound in our hamlets and swarm in our cities.

18. (1 Corinthians 7:3, 4) Problems abound in this sensitive relationship.

19. This would necessitate questioning the myths that abound in the enterprise.

20. -- ISBN 0920775292 View Gallery Wild animals abound in this intelligent ABC book.

21. False messengers abound in the realms of politics and false religion.

22. Anesthetizers, Inebriators, and Pleasurizers abound in this adults-only expansion to Spaceteam

23. Anachronisms abound in the painting of Raphael and the plays of Shakespeare

24. Anesthetizers, Inebriators, and Pleasurizers abound in this adults-only expansion to Spaceteam

25. Anesthetizers, Inebriators, and Pleasurizers abound in this adults-only expansion to Spaceteam

26. Rocks, trees and lakes abound in the Canadian Shield area of Ontario.

27. Other examples abound in the worlds of commerce, government, education, and organized sport.

28. Who of us would not like to abound in long-suffering, kindness, and goodness?

29. Hotels and guest houses abound in the two towns nearest Meteora: Kastraki and Kalambaka.

30. The Old Testament Terms for Blessing abound in the Old Testament, occurring over 600 times.

31. Blessings abound in every nook and cranny , especially in YOUR nook and in YOUR cranny!

32. Note that we “abound in hope” when we believe God’s written Word and receive his holy spirit.

33. The story does, however, abound in felicities; the physical descriptions of the planet, for example, are superb.

34. Dorcas was brought back to life and doubtless continued to ‘abound in good deeds and gifts of mercy.’

35. Because of their believing, they are filled with joy and peace, and abound in hope of Kingdom blessings.

36. This is worth dwelling on, because those who brush quality off as unaffordable abound in the business world as well.

37. Because the people who run our Overdrive offices are experienced, they know the legal constraints that abound in transport.

38. The word Abounded is the past form of abound in the first person singular.There are other translations for this conjugation.

39. This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region.

40. While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum.

41. Calcareous soils where lithogenic and secondary carbonates are important constituents of the soil mineral matrix abound in many arid and semiarid areas

42. A summary of the week’s Watchtower lesson was followed by the final convention talk, entitled “Abound in Fine Works as Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers.”

43. Nature it selfe cannot erre: and as men abound in Copiousnesses of language; so they become more wise, or more mad than ordinary

44. Nature it selfe cannot erre: and as men abound in Copiousnesses of language; so they become more wise, or more mad than ordinary

45. (Galatians 6:10) Let us, then, first consider how we can abound in deeds of mercy toward those related to us in the faith.

46. While those Brownstones were in Manhattan, Brooklyn-based Brownstones also abound in movies such as “Moonstruck” and Spike Lee‘s “Crooklyn.” (Incidentally, the “Crooklyn” brownstone

47. While listening to the concluding talk, “Abound in Fine Works as Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers,” how did you relate the information to your personal ministry?

48. To have or possess in great quantity; to be copiously supplied; followed by with or in; as to Abound with provisions; to Abound in good things

49. By becoming more like the Savior, we will grow in our ability to “abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost” (Rom. 15:13).

50. By becoming more like the Savior, we will grow in our ability to “abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost” (Romans 15:13).

51. May the God who gives hope fill you with all joy and peace by your believing, that you may abound in hope with power of holy spirit.”

52. He urged others who had the gifts of the spirit: “Seek to abound in them for the upbuilding of the congregation,” meaning the local congregation where they manifested the gift.

53. Indeed it is only Rwanda which suffers from baseless allegations and rumours that unfortunately abound in our part of the world, because there are a lot of clients for them.

54. “May the God who gives hope fill you with all joy and peace by your believing, that you may abound in hope with power of holy spirit.” —ROMANS 15:13.

55. The market With a population of 560 million people with a growing purchasing power, opportunities in Southeast Asia abound in the infrastructure development, information and communications technologies, environment, and power sectors.

56. In April 2008, he launched the Marine Genomics Unit at OIST and extended his studies from Ascidians to other marine animals, such as the corals that abound in the marine environment around Okinawa.

57. At Romans 15:13, we read: “May the God who gives hope fill you with all joy and peace by your believing, that you may abound in hope with power of holy spirit.”

58. “And God is able to bless you Abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” Explanation and Commentary on 2 Corinthians 9:8

59. Anthesis Floral’s designer Juliana takes cues from the seasons and surroundings to create designs that feel contemporary yet timeless, and that use curvaceous stems, varied textures and subtle tones that abound in garden-grown blooms.

60. But such glowing paeans to the machinery of death rarely acknowledge a simple truth: Even the most advanced of man’s airborne wonders are primitive in design compared to the tiny flying machines that abound in creation.

61. However, it seems that Titus was not as intimate with Paul as was Timothy, for the letter to Titus has a minimum of personal references whereas Paul’s letters to Timothy abound in personal references both to himself and to Timothy.

62. Many learned works have been written on the architectural similarities that the regions abound in, the shared traditions and history that can be found everywhere, and the linguistic and cultural parallels that even casual modern-day travellers encounter throughout the region.

63. The problem is that everywhere there are groups and above all, are not always able to do serious work, so we recommend you be very careful and not fall into the hands of many "smart people" that unfortunately abound in this sector .

64. ‘Hostels, restaurants, internet cafes and travel agencies abound in its Bystreets, competing for gringos attention.’ ‘Streets criss-cross each other segmenting the city into grids, which are overlaid by numerous Bystreets housing countless historic and cultural sites.’ ‘Initially, the noodle was sold in Bystreets …

65. Well-bedded radiolarian Cherts abound in the Mesozoic, particularly the Jurassic, when the “ribbon Cherts” of the Tethyan realm and California formed, whereas equivalents of these ribbon Cherts have rarely been observed in DSDP drill-cores or in Tertiary chert-bearing formations exposed on land (e.g

66. This represents a consistent application of the principle of procedural economy, examples of which abound in the Court's case-law: a plea in law may justifiably be declared ineffective in the case where, even if it were held to be well founded, it would not result in the application being upheld.

67. The central and intertropicalparts of the Atlantic swarm with Pteropoda, Crustacea, and Radiata,and with their devourers the flying-fish, and again with theirdevourers the bonitos and Albicores; I presume that the numerouslower pelagic animals feed on the Infusoria, which are now known,from the researches of Ehrenberg, to abound in the open

68. The central and intertropicalparts of the Atlantic swarm with Pteropoda, Crustacea, and Radiata,and with their devourers the flying-fish, and again with theirdevourers the bonitos and Albicores; I presume that the numerouslower pelagic animals feed on the Infusoria, which are now known,from the researches of Ehrenberg, to abound in the open

69. 12 Moreover, may the Lord cause you to increase, yes, to abound in love for one another+ and for all, just as we do for you, 13 so that he may make your hearts firm, blameless in holiness before our God+ and Father at the presence of our Lord Jesus+ with all his holy ones.

70. The central and intertropicalparts of the Atlantic swarm with Pteropoda, Crustacea, and Radiata,and with their devourers the flying-fish, and again with theirdevourers the bonitos and Albicores; I presume that the numerouslower pelagic animals feed on the Infusoria, which are now known,from the researches of Ehrenberg, to abound in the open

71. In Middle English, Affluent meant "abundant, flowing," from Old French, from Latin affluēns, from affluere "to abound in," from the prefix ad- "to, at" plus fluere "to flow." The meaning of "abundant, flowing" is still seen in phrases such as " Affluent prose."

72. The central and intertropical parts of the Atlantic swarm with Pteropoda, Crustacea, and Radiata, and with their devourers the flying- fish, and again with their devourers the bonitos and Albicores; I presume that the numerous lower pelagic animals feed on the Infusoria, which are now known, from the researches of Ehrenberg, to abound in the

73. Paul told the Philippians, “I know how to be Abased, and I know how to abound, in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want.” I am unfit to tie the sandals of that itinerant missionary, but I repeat after him, “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.”