Use "a prior" in a sentence

1. Ivanov had a prior engagement

2. Demonstrations require a prior notification.

3. I have a prior engagement at five.

4. Each category is assigned a prior probability (301).

5. A prior engagement will preclude me from coming.

6. She had a prior claim on his affections.

7. Hello Adversed here, im a prior service Marine

8. They have a prior claim to the property.

9. His excuse of a prior engagement was accepted.

10. I had to refuse because of a prior engagement.

11. My children have a prior claim on my time.

12. Mothers with young children have a prior claim on funds.

13. Retaliatory attack, i.e., action in response to a prior attack.

14. A prior reading of oxygen content shows a sufficient concentration.

15. • Retaliatory attack, i.e., action in response to a prior attack

16. I have a prior relationship with Markov that... we can exploit

17. However, a prior optimization of the analgesic basis medication is absolutely necessary.

18. 19. (a) How does Isaiah 25:6-8 undergo a prior fulfillment?

19. Each inverter stage is AC-coupled to a prior stage via a capacitor.

20. Anticipation for my visit was enhanced by a prior study of the island’s colorful history.

21. Those requirements shall not constitute a prior condition for an insurance undertaking to pursue business.

22. To place a prior date on a legal document, statement or check. Also called antedate .

23. Calcification of the pericardium is usually preceded by a prior episode of pericarditis or trauma

24. 30 A prior hemorrhagic stroke raised the risk of brain hemorrhage by more than fivefold.

25. However, Backdating to memorialize a prior act or event is a legitimate and necessary practice

26. He had a prior engagement elsewhere, but I mentioned your name and here he is!

27. An individual with a prior conviction and who commits the crime of Accosting, enticing or

28. Anticipation definition is - a prior action that takes into account or forestalls a later action

29. ***Enter Asserted rights category (e.g., government purpose license rights from a prior contract, rights in SBIR data generated under another contract, limited, restricted, or government purpose rights under this or a prior contract, or specially negotiated licenses)

30. A Gaussian process can be used as a prior probability distribution over functions in Bayesian inference.

31. The exemplary determination of the probabilities can be performed using a prior causal information inference procedure.

32. This depolarization was decreased by a prior depolarization, but increased by a hyperpolarization, of the afferent.

33. Therefore, retrospectively applying a new accounting policy or correcting a prior period error requires distinguishing information that

34. 23 As an example of such useless lands , the court referred to a prior case salt marsh.

35. 27 What do you make out of the difficulty trying to ventilate her during a prior anesthetic?

36. To revoke a prior tax information Authorization(s) without submitting a new Authorization, see the line 5 instructions

37. The convergence and stability of the expansion are ensured by a prior probability measure on the expansion coefficients.

38. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

39. Preference or preferred shares entitle a holder to a prior claim on any dividend paid by the company.

40. The secondary changes followed from social interaction with the environment on the basis of a prior pathological reaction.

41. 12 This helps us to understand that unholy actions are not just spontaneous or without a prior basis.

42. The file was a standard office file with a Prior, Keen, Baldwin label stuck in the top right corner.

43. In the Bayesian approach, the data are supplemented with additional information in the form of a prior probability distribution.

44. The definition of Abate means to become less or lower in amount or force than at a prior time

45. The balance was a result of correction for a prior year adjustment offset by lower bank charges and hedging costs.

46. The balance was a result of correction for a prior year adjustment offset by lower bank charges and hedging costs

47. The techniques themselves are identical whether the variable being controlled is a prior or an intervening variable in the relationship being investigated.

48. The rowers, magnificently Apparelled, and the crew were under the command of a prior of the order of the Knights of Rhodes

49. A prior probability, in Bayesian statistical inference, is the probability of an event based on established knowledge, before empirical data is collected

50. Motivated by ensemble methods in general, and boosting algorithms in particular, Bart is deflned by a statistical model: a prior and a likelihood

51. Depending on a patient's plan, you may be required to request a prior Authorization or precertification for any number of prescriptions or services

52. To file the Amended state return for a prior year, you must mail a paper return, unless you are using the Professional program

53. As with non-targeted sampling, a prior decision is needed on what probability of detection is required, having regard to the costs involved.

54. On the West Coast, author Ken Kesey, a prior volunteer for a CIA-sponsored LSD experiment, also advocated the use of the drug.

55. In algorithmic information theory, algorithmic probability, also known as Solomonoff probability, is a mathematical method of assigning a prior probability to a given observation.

56. What does Abatement mean? The definition of Abatement refers to the process of something ending or becoming less than it was at a prior time

57. Richard Lewontin, an influential evolutionist, candidly wrote that many scientists are willing to accept unproven scientific claims because they “have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.”

58. There's new evidence that connects testing positive for Covid-19 Antibodies from a prior infection with a significantly lower risk of becoming infected again in the future.

59. Other ways to submit a prior Authorization If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please call us at 1-800-711-4555 to submit a verbal PA request

60. To be exact, Bigamy is a criminal offense used in court when a legally married individual marries a secondary or additional spouse after a prior legal marriage

61. The standard rental period is seven (7) calendar days, after which Bolk DUMPSTER LLC might pick up the equipment at its sole and full discretion, without a prior

62. Attitudes are predispositions: An attitude is a predisposition – a prior determined or learnt view of a thing or tendency to act in a specific way towards a thing

63. The regeneration volume value is based on the accumulated volume of air delivered to the air dryer for a first time or since a prior standard purge cycle.

64. The special obligatory itself has a prior validity, and its realization is a category which belongs to law of obligation and procedural law, not to real right law.

65. A Continuation-in-part (CIP) patent application is a patent application that claims priority to a Prior Application A that adds new subject matter to create CIP Application B.

66. Legal Definition of Anticipatory : of or relating to a prior action that takes into account or forestalls a later action an Anticipatory challenge brought for declaratory and injunctive relief — L

67. Economy: Investors reacted little to the third and final reading of fourth-quarter U.S. GDP, which showed an annual growth rate of 1%, up from a prior estimate of 8%.

68. Use the Adverted prices for wined cars of a particular model in the accompanying table to create a Inne model for the lattonship between a car's Age and a Prior

69. C. mindful of the fact that the scheduled presidential elections in Chechnya, planned by the central government without a prior political solution having been reached, have further accentuated the tension,

70. And before he or anyone else may cry, "Bibliolater!", a prior question must be asked: Is Bibliolatry possible? Because, of course, if it is not, then no one does it

71. As a general rule, this situation will arise when the loan is made for improvements to an asset on which there is already a prior charge. [Regs ss.14(5)] After acquired clause:

72. There are no settlements in Aldabra, but there is a scientific station with 12 biologists working here while tourists can visit this place by a prior reservation only and their number is strictly limited

73. Bonefishes in Hawai'i have high site fidelity, and are commonly recaptured within one kilometer of a prior catch location [51], which could explain why an area such as Kailua Bay might serve as an

74. The category of abetter applies to persons assisting with the commission of an offence by supplying advice, instructions, information, funds or weapons or by removing obstacles, to persons who have given a prior undertaking to conceal the perpetrator of a crime, or the means or implements used in the commission of a crime, evidence of a crime, the proceeds of a crime, and to persons who have given a prior undertaking to obtain or to dispose of such objects.

75. After criticizing some of Richard Dawkins’ reasoning, influential evolutionist Richard Lewontin wrote that many scientists are willing to accept scientific claims that are against common sense “because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.”

76. The category of abetter applies to persons assisting with the commission of an offence by supplying advice, instructions, information, funds or weapons or by removing obstacles, to persons who have given a prior undertaking to conceal the perpetrator of a crime, or the means or implements used in the commission of a crime, evidence of a crime, the proceeds of a crime, and to persons who have given a prior undertaking to obtain or to dispose of such objects

77. If Arbs are to be prescribed in patients with a prior history of ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema, the risk needs to be understood and proper precautions taken; Increase in serum creatinine; Serum creatinine is a measure of kidney function

78. BIS routinely conducts end-use checks on items authorized for export under STA and will request the foreign party to produce a copy of a prior consignee statement if the item was subsequently reexported or transferred under License Exception STA

79. The academic qualifications of the Agronomist are given below: Graduation in agricultural science Post-graduation in the same Certificate course in agricultural science A prior work experience of at least 6 years in the same field Career scope for Agronomist

80. The determination of total aluminum in water by furnace atomic absorption spectrometry is best performed with a prior sample treatment with 1% HNO3 + 2% H2O2 or Acid Alizarin Violet N: detection limits of a few μgL−1 are reliably obtained.