Use "a posteriori" in a sentence

1. ‘A posteriori’ commitments


3. A posteriori checks

4. A priori or a posteriori?

5. Apostatize (Thesaurus) apostate a posteriori

6. • B. A Posteriori Internal Control


8. The projects were finalised a posteriori.

9. A posteriori control of TIR Carnet holders.

10. 44, remedy or change this situation a posteriori.

11. Further a posteriori tests were also carried out

12. DGDDI: Systematic a posteriori verification of the declaration

13. an a posteriori verification system is being adopted;

14. A posteriori control of TIR Carnet holders. Exclusion and withdrawals

15. This is why we need a posteriori control and accountability.

16. Should alternative statistical methods be considered? a priori? a posteriori?

17. It was not therefore strictly speaking a saisine a posteriori.

18. Such conformity can be verified on a preventive basis or a posteriori.

19. All of that should be true both a priori and a posteriori .

20. Other instances of a posteriori necessary truths include: "H2O is water".

21. Implementation of this constitutional provision may take place a priori or a posteriori.

22. A posteriori selectivity system (for the analysis of customs and investigation documents);

23. Furthermore, it is not possible to submit a posteriori amended commercial invoices.

24. simplest system and the least costly to set up (a posteriori control).

25. A posteriori the court of auditors and regional audit bodies examine the accounts.

26. The difference between the two amounts will need to be adjusted a posteriori;

27. The Committee has always backed initiatives to simplify, a posteriori, the Community acquis

28. In the first one, integration is made a posteriori by trial and error.

29. Other checks are carried out on public authorities, a priori and a posteriori.

30. Implementation of this constitutional provision may take place a priori or a posteriori

31. (10) The difference between the two amounts will be adjusted a posteriori;

32. (b) Collection a posteriori of the amount required for an annual vignette


34. In its view, the Commission cannot rectify a posteriori acts affected by the nullity.

35. Bistouries boisterously boosterism bijouteries Boosterisms posteriors posteriori posterior obstructer obstetrics


37. The ECVET mechanism constitutes a method. Europass registers a posteriori one or several European training pathways.

38. These results obtained in a subgroup of patients a posteriori should be interpreted cautiously

39. Does the authority conduct a priori (initiating role) or a posteriori (disciplinary role) control?

40. (10) The difference between the two amounts will need to be adjusted a posteriori;

41. This aspect cannot be separated from the function of a posteriori knowledge in Wolff’s thinking.

42. Action at European level has been reactive, 'a posteriori', seeking to forestall even greater damage.

43. duplication of other existing mechanisms (the Ombudsman, the a posteriori judicial review, etc.),

44. Anglish is an a posteriori conlang which was created by Bryan Parry beginning in 2004

45. In opposition, the adaptive techniques take the a posteriori contents of the images into account.

46. ‘Countries and categories subject to the system of a posteriori statistical surveillance for direct imports

47. For a robust channel estimation, we propose an EM-based maximuma posteriori semi-blind algorithm.

48. In such cases they must bear the endorsement "délivré a posteriori" or the endorsement "issued retrospectively".

49. The Chairperson asked whether children whose age had been determined a posteriori could obtain identity documents.

50. In such cases it must bear the endorsement " délivré a posteriori " or " issued retrospectively " .

51. In such cases they must bear the endorsement 'délivré a posteriori` or the endorsement 'issued retrospectively`.

52. A crypt of the 11th century, dug a posteriori under the choir, also preserves frescos of the time.

53. These general provisions may already provide for the freezing — admittedly a posteriori — of assets and accounts.

54. A second level of control (a posteriori) is exercised once the entity has come into existence

55. A second level of control (a posteriori) is exercised once the entity has come into existence.

56. The a posteriori errors in the quantitative yield forecasts are calculated from the final official data.

57. Furthermore, scrutiny will be exercised case by case, a posteriori, and with no respect for proper deadlines.

58. involving businesses and other users in simplification upstream from regulation (SLIM committees a priori rather than a posteriori);

59. The results are based on a posteriori saturation criterial that measure the quality of the approximation solution.

60. Several States provided information on emergency procedures, whereby authorization could be given a posteriori under certain conditions.

61. In such cases they shall bear either the endorsement 'délivré a posteriori` or the endorsement 'issued retrospectively`.

62. Accidental and causal regularities, singular and general causal propositions, a priori and a posteriori conceptualizations of causation are discussed.


64. Almost all games use a posteriori collision detection, and collisions are often resolved using very simple rules.

65. After Immanuel Kant, it is common in philosophy to call the knowledge thus gained a posteriori knowledge.

66. These general provisions may already provide for the freezing- admittedly a posteriori- of assets and accounts

67. With respect to the legality of their activities, this supervision should be exercised a posteriori only.

68. In such cases they must bear the endorsement 'delivré a posteriori` or the endorsement 'issued retrospectively`.

69. The probationary period therefore requires an objective a posteriori assessment to be made of the probationer.

70. Moreover, the Court of Auditors exercises control a posteriori over all the receipts and expenditure of the State.

71. In such cases they shall bear the endorsement ‘délivré a posteriori’ or ‘issued retrospectively’ or ‘expedido con posterioridad’.

72. We are not giving the Commission free rein, but providing it a posteriori with a measure of control.

73. Embodiments may utilize different Bayesian analysis techniques including the use of prior probability distributions and maximum a posteriori analyses.

74. In such cases they shall bear the endorsement ́délivré a posteriori' or ́issued retrospectively' or ́expedido con posterioridad'.

75. The prior, a posteriori, and updated information may be represented by joint probability distributions on channel gain and interference.

76. Should alternative statistical methods be considered? a priori? a posteriori? v. Should we ask for more quality data to rule out product failure? 4.

77. Translations in context of "Anteriori" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: Anteriori e posteriori, ruote Anteriori, proiettori fendinebbia Anteriori, sedili Anteriori, zampe Anteriori

78. A posteriori evaluation of the priority projects should facilitate future revisions of the guidelines and of the list of priority projects and should help improve the a priori evaluation methods practised by the Member States

79. A posteriori evaluation of the priority projects should facilitate future revisions of the guidelines and of the list of priority projects and should help improve the a priori evaluation methods practised by the Member States.

80. On the basis of sequential samples — employing Bayes theorem, laid down in short — the a-priori probabilities can be transformed into a-posteriori probabilities and are used for a new operational decision, that will now be termed as a continuation decision.