Use "a good deal" in a sentence

1. There's a good deal of vulgarity.

2. I'm feeling a good deal better.

3. For men, certainly, and perhaps for women also, a good deal more activity, a good deal more exercise.”

4. 7 There's a good deal of vulgarity.

5. Their lives became a good deal more comfortable.

6. I got a good deal on the car .

7. 'Bridgework' does have a good deal to like

8. Gloria's costume caused a good deal of hilarity.

9. He was a good deal older than her.

10. A good deal of work is still outstanding.

11. Working from home requires a good deal of discipline.

12. I know you've been quarrelling a good deal lately.

13. It cost a good deal, I can tell you.

14. They are bandying her name about a good deal.

15. It was extravagant, but I got a good deal.

16. So inactivity has a good deal going for it.

17. It's a good deal, as far as I'm concerned.

18. Her poetry has a good deal of political content.

19. I gained a good deal of enlightenment from him.

20. BEAL This Bract has attracted a good deal of …

21. He knew a good deal more than I did.

22. It must cost a good deal to live here.

23. She spends a good deal of her time in Glasgow.

24. Miller's campaign has received a good deal of adverse publicity .

25. 4 It must cost a good deal to live here.

26. The new play has attracted a good deal of criticism.

27. A good deal of rethinking is needed on this question.

28. Football arouses a good deal of passion among its supporters.

29. TriButyrin makes up a good deal of one of Dr

30. Difficult bastards to negotiate with, but it's a good deal.

31. The hospital receives a good deal of money in donations.

32. He devoted a good deal of attention to the problem.

33. He reached his decision after a good deal of contemplation.

34. There's a good deal of reason in what you say.

35. I'm afraid he is guilty of a good deal of invention.

36. Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.

37. A dime taken from any other kid was a good deal.

38. He's certainly as funny as Pratchett, and a good deal madder.

39. He reached his decision after a good deal of contemplation.

40. The new position invested her with a good deal of responsibility.

41. Recent comment has been disfigured by a good deal of misinformation.

42. There's still a good deal of fallout after the Duquette MM.

43. 18 Football arouses a good deal of passion among its supporters.

44. Has only one male visitor, but a good deal of him.

45. In the OO world you hear a good deal about "patterns".

46. 29 There's a good deal in that, but I acted conscientiously.

47. There was a good deal of rhetoric, Circumlocution and imprecision in language

48. There, a little money will buy you a good deal of swank.

49. To carry out all these operations takes a good deal of money.

50. One should discredit a good deal of what is printed in newspapers.

51. A good deal of the marsh was taken in from the sea.

52. The island's present economy owes a good deal to whisky distilling.

53. I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.

54. Suddenly, 25 dollars for a Big Mac might be a good deal.

55. I went to a good deal of trouble to get this ticket.

56. 8 Buried somewhere in all that hyperbole is a good deal of truth.

57. He's not yet thirty, but he's knocked about the world a good deal.

58. They walked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground.

59. The new law met with a good deal of opposition at local level.

60. The climate is a good deal more hospitable than many parts of Britain.

61. The Catholic church was afforded a good deal of freedom from state intervention.

62. It sounded a good deal more basic than, say, Holy Communion at Cranborne School.

63. Golfers had wagered a good deal of money on Nick Faldo winning the championship.

64. Peter was clearly a good deal less intimidated than some of his fledgling contemporaries.

65. 11 A subject which, I thought drily, afforded a good deal of scope for liars.

66. Once there, serve the Bangers over the mashed potatoes with a good deal of gravy

67. Babies gain a good deal of their weight in the final few weeks before birth .

68. Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.

69. 5 synonyms for A lot: a good deal, a great deal, lots, very much, much

70. In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.

71. There has been a good deal of talk in recent weeks about imminent economic armageddon.

72. The nature of his business enables him to get about the world a good deal.

73. The recent intensification in the Paris - Bonn relationship owes a good deal to our economic weakness.

74. 2 Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.

75. 6 The nature of his business enables him to get about the world a good deal.

76. Of course a good deal of hacking happens also, usually up to the early morning hours.

77. "We think this is a good deal for both sides, " said Jane Seagrave, AP's chief revenue officer.

78. 1 Two measures should do a good deal to grease the wheels of the City's securities business.

79. A new Bretton Woods agreement will depend a good deal on the choices of the international community.

80. Milk in returnable bottles is aesthetically pleasing, safer and a good deal more environmentally friendly than in cartons.