Use "Samoa pox" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Amaas include alastrim, Cuban itch, kaffir pox, milk pox, pseudovariola, variola minor, West Indian pox and white pox

2. The government of American Samoa is defined under the Constitution of American Samoa.

3. Chicken pox is a contagious disease.

4. John Deere Aftermarket parts delivery to Norway from $32.57, Samoa from $40.53, Samoa from $40.53

5. Abiotic Plum Pox, Peach Canker

6. Fowl - pox is a highly contagious disease .

7. The Anoa'i Family, originating from American Samoa and Independent Samoa, is a legendary family of professional wrestlers

8. Sadie might have the chicken pox.

9. Avian pox develops slowly in affected birds

10. A transmitter in samoa was heard calling.

11. The Lancet Amaas, OR KAFFIR MILK-POX

12. Looks like your computer has chicken pox.

13. His face was scarred by small - pox.

14. His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.

15. Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease.

16. 19 Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease.

17. More than 30 people died in Samoa.

18. I caught influenza along with the chicken pox.

19. Of these, American Samoa (0- has the worst record.

20. He gave a colorful account of life in Samoa.

21. He has just come out of small - pox.

22. What kind of is the chicken pox since dot?

23. The vaccine is the virus of small pox.

24. Tokelau can only be reached by boat from Samoa and a permit from the Samoan Immigration Authorities is required to leave and re-enter Samoa.

25. She had chicken - pox and was covered in spots.

26. Jean Louis Coquet Samoa Light Blue (Bleu Pastel) Dinner Plate

27. Later, I served as a mission president in Samoa.

28. The picture shows the Apia Park Stadium of Samoa.

29. This is the cutaneous or “dry” form of Avian pox.

30. Some diseases are contagious – like colds, flu and chicken pox.

31. The drug has been formally approved to treat chicken pox.

32. Amaas, or milk-pox, may be defined as a specific con- tagious, eruptive fever closely resembling small-pox in appearance, yet differing from it in some respects.

33. " Great Pox, " a disease that was much more severe than modern syphilis.

34. Your papa's got the small - pox, and you know it precious well.

35. The little boy was diseased with chicken pox in the kindergarten.

36. Capripoxvirus ( CPV ) was the agent of goat and sheep pox disease.

37. “In Samoa the first question asked usually relates to one’s religious affiliation.”

38. In Samoan politics, the Prime Minister of Samoa is the head of government.

39. SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway: translating vision into action

40. The picture shows the Economic Activities Centre of Women and Youth of Samoa.

41. The Small Pox is of two varieties or degrees, distinct and Confluent

42. So, in their anger, the gods afflicted Syphilis with this terrible pox.

43. No concessions are made to their infant's chicken pox or wedding anniversaries.

44. A confluent small - pox had in all directions flowed over his face.

45. PMC would offer you the companies such Western Samoa and other places.

46. Plum pox virus (PPV) is a serious disease of peach, nectarine, plum and apricot trees.

47. Chlordiazepoxide (klor-dye-az-e-pox-ide) Apo-Chlordiazepoxide, Libritabs, Librium, Mitran, Novopoxide, Poxi

48. American Samoa was under the control of the U.S. Navy from 1900 to 1951.

49. 12 Boy, just let one hippie show up in Samoa. just let one show up.

50. Atmospheric Baseline Observatories Observatory Operations Barrow, Alaska Mauna Loa, Hawaii American Samoa South Pole

51. Panel discussion on “SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway: Translating vision to action”

52. At the John Radcliffe Hospital she died from the treatment and from chicken pox.

53. SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway: Translating vision to action (E/HLPF/2015/2)

54. American Samoa, through the overseas communications satellite corporate link, has direct telephone dialling to most countries.

55. After 19 years of persistent efforts, they finally entered Samoa as fully accredited missionaries!

56. Boy, just let one hippie show up in Samoa. just let one show up.

57. Some pox formed in his throat and, unable to swallow, he died on March 17

58. Disagreements between the US, Germany and UK over Samoa led to the Tripartite Convention of 1899.

59. There are approximately 150 kilometres of paved roads and 200 kilometres of secondary roads in American Samoa.

60. England won a titanic game against Samoa 26 - 19 to book their place in the semi - finals.

61. Blackbirding involved recruiting indigenous islanders to work on sugar and cotton plantations in Samoa, Fiji, and Australia.

62. Although not generally life - threatening, measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox can all hae serious complications.

63. 1780 – A band of Blackfeet raided a Shoshone camp not knowing the Shoshone had small pox

64. Blisters from spider bites, chicken pox, shingles, cold sores, and chronic health conditions need special treatment

65. Reforms improving the business environment were also adopted in the Pacific Islands of Palau and Samoa.

66. In Samoa, we labor with village councils to gain access for missionaries to preach the gospel.

67. A FAMILY in Fagaalu, American Samoa, accepted an offer from missionaries of Jehovah’s Witnesses to study the Bible.

68. Western Samoa achieved independence from New Zealand in 1962 and became a member of the Commonwealth in 19

69. 23 He points to cultures, such as Samoa, where Margaret Mead found that there was little real adolescence.

70. 11 words related to Chancre: lues, lues venerea, pox, syph, syphilis, sore, deer fly fever, rabbit fever

71. Justin was in the hospital, under observation after he contracted chicken pox and a cough, Lopez said.

72. I caught chicken pox off my friend at school and had to stay home for two weeks.

73. The majority of the fatalities occurred in Samoa , where rescue workers say at least 84 people were killed .

74. Before travelling, it is advisable to check whether the mobile phone carrier offers roaming services in Samoa.

75. She departed San Diego on 12 January 1942 as an escort for ships bringing reinforcements to Samoa.

76. He points to cultures, such as Samoa, where Margaret Mead found that there was little real adolescence.

77. In the referendum the population of Western Samoa voted narrowly in favour of the introduction of universal suffrage.

78. Chickenpox (chicken pox), also known as varicella, is a highly contagious infection caused by the varicella zoster virus

79. There are approximately # kilometres of public and primary paved roads and # kilometres of secondary village roads in American Samoa

80. In American Samoa and its surrounding islands, the item is referred to as keke pua'a, literally meaning "pig cake".