Use "1 to many relationship" in a sentence

1. The multiple but exclusive relationship may be a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship.

2. (Relation of many to many) So, this reduces the risk (1 to many relationship in 2 directions) and there are more opportunities for success.

3. Relationship to Other Archetypes 1.

4. Your relationship doesn't seem to know many.

5. See transactioncurrency Entity transactioncurrency_Competitor One-To-Many relationship

6. relationship to Jehovah’s purposes: it-1 854

7. There are many ways to restore a relationship

8. Article 8 – Relationship to the Convention 1.

9. Both male and female Relationship to offender 1.

10. These concordances may be used to compare classifications or regroup data since the relationship between exports or imports and the SCG is 1 to 1 or many to one.

11. There are many positive sides to the relationship as well.

12. • ...relationship of leaders to staff and to the community? 1.

13. Both male and female Familial relationship to offender 1.

14. Article 1(1), contained a basic formula concerning the relationship to other treaties.

15. Buddhism imparts an ever present radiance to our relationship. As close neighbours, our relationship spreads across many layers.

16. The relationship covers many areas and it is bound to succeed.

17. Our relationship has remained strong and expanded to many new fields.

18. The closer the Correlation coefficient is to either -1 or 1, the stronger the relationship

19. To many users, the relationship between national and international instruments is unclear.

20. 1. Relationship with the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

21. B. Application of Chapter Five and Relationship to other Chapters 1.

22. As close neighbours, our relationship spreads across many layers.

23. Spatially investigate the relationship between many variables using Blueback

24. An unreconciled relationship will cause many problems in life.

25. Of interest, is that many of their comments related to the familyprovider relationship.

26. Many of the questions began to revolve around his relationship with Maher Arar.

27. We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.

28. This structure allows one one-to-many relationship between two types of data.

29. The relationship 1000 L = 1 m3 is used to convert to mg/ m3.

30. Recommendations 1. Supporting Government-to- Government Relationships CHANGING THE CURRENT RELATIONSHIP Recommendations:

31. Affinities of Ctenophora: (A) Interphylar Relationship: Relationship with Sponges: Many au­thors tried to establish the sponges as to be closely related to Ctenophora

32. Many early treaties contain explicit commitments to renew and continue to renew the treaty relationship.

33. The wine to beer excise relationship operating in the UK is 1 to 3.4.

34. In an intimate relationship, there are many names of endearment.

35. How many women had you been with prior to your relationship with my client?

36. 4 We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.

37. Many risks and risk-mitigation strategies have a direct relationship to ethics or values.

38. I want you to imagine, right now, a broken relationship from many years ago.

39. We have to understand that many of our neighbours have a relationship with China.

40. Benj had at least 1 relationship in the past

41. Aeriel had at least 1 relationship in the past

42. 1, 2. (a) What things are essential to a good relationship with Jehovah?

43. In contrast to the corresponding higher alcohols 2- and 3-methylbutyric acid show always a 1:1 relationship.

44. After Conceptualizing relationship marketing and discussing its ten forms, the authors (1) theorize that successful relationship marketing requires relationship commitment and trust, (2) model

45. There are still many opportunities to be developed in our relationship with OLAF during 2006.

46. Under the law there are many criteria which are used to define a conjugal relationship

47. This synergistic relationship is one of many the ISS Program will be able to promote.

48. Many times when somebody tries to end a relationship you flatter them in the process.

49. I do hope that we may continue this precious relationship for many years to come.

50. There are many bureaucratic regulations to go through in our relationship with the United States.

51. • Subject to many outside influences What is the relationship between management direction and organizational behavior

52. 10 Our relationship had begun to suffer the inanition of many marriages at seven years.

53. A correlation is a statistical measurement of the relationship between two variables. Possible Correlations range from +1 to –1

54. I edited paragraphs 1 and 2 to clarify their relationship with other international agreements

55. Exports to destinations categorized by defence relationship 12 12 See Table 1 for details.

56. Romans 13:1-7 discusses the relationship of Christians to the governmental “superior authorities.”

57. Despite this relationship to crocodiles, Ornithosuchus was able to walk on its hind legs, like many dinosaurs.

58. It seems to be opening the way for many to develop a more personal relationship with Jehovah.

59. Many customers seem also to be afraid to "upset" their banks, or to damage their future banking relationship.

60. The relationship of ... referred to in paragraph 5.2. of Annex 19 - Part 1 to this Regulation."

61. The relationship of ... referred to in paragraph 5.2. of Annex 19-Part 1 to this Regulation."

62. (1 Peter 5:8) Satan wants to destroy our relationship with Jehovah. —Psalm 7:1, 2; 2 Timothy 3:12.

63. The invention is applicable to make different sorts of object and many different types of relationship.

64. How many of you can go home to your spouse and continue a normal marital relationship?

65. Consequently, many doctors cannot enjoy the long-term relationship with families that they used to have.

66. It is impossible to draw a direct causal relationship given the many factors that influence turnout.

67. For many honesthearted ones, overcoming illiteracy has helped them to develop a close relationship with Jehovah.

68. (1) The employment relationship of an employee with pension rights shall come to an end:

69. (John 1:18) Yet, he invites us to enter into a loving relationship with him.

70. However, despite those developments, many challenges remain to be addressed to make this relationship more substantive and operational.

71. An example of to Connote is to imply many qualities about a relationship by calling someone your partner.

72. (James 4:1, 4) Such ones are missing a precious relationship.

73. 1, 2. (a) Why can a peaceful relationship with God be compared to a marriage?

74. A footnote has been added in chapter 1 to explain the relationship of the terms.

75. Working Groups (rooms to be assigned) - Implementing the Patient-Practitioner Relationship – Questions for Discussion: 1.

76. (1 Corinthians 7:3, 4) Problems abound in this sensitive relationship.

77. 1 Her parents are hoping that the relationship will fizzle out.

78. 5. (a) According to Colossians 1:18, what is the relationship of Jesus Christ to the congregation?

79. 1 Many teachers wish to abolish the cane.

80. 1 Many accidents were due to pilot misjudgement.