Use "come to" in a sentence

1. There are guys on the payroll who don' t come to work

В платежной ведомости значатся парни, которые не приходят на работу

2. As they come to have a close, personal relationship with Jehovah, they will find pleasure in walking in his paths.

Развивая близкие, личные, взаимоотношения с Иеговой, они найдут радость в том, чтобы идти его стезей (Псалом 118:34, 35).

3. so there's opportunities that have come to me with ABC, with the movies that I would like to, uh, take advantage of and, uh, the only thing I wanna do right now is play...

Студия ABC предложила мне пару фильмов, и сейчас, всё что я хочу - это играть,

4. It was always known as an unhealthy place and whether it was abandoned because of the mosquitoes that plagued it or because of the sifting of the harbor is not clear. Dalyan and the famous "Turtle beach" It is one of the few places in the Mediterranean where giant loggerhead turtles come to lay their eggs.

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