Use "in order of" in a sentence

1. So while you are looking at what outfits you have right now, make a list of what your future needs will be in order of priority, according to a realistic budget.

따라서 현재 당신이 갖고 있는 의상들을 살펴보면서, 실제적인 가계 예산에 준하여, 앞으로 필요한 것들의 목록을 우선 순위대로 작성하라.

2. So I want to make something very, very, very clear: if you have things at the same level so if you have 1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 1 so addition and subtraction are at the same level in order of operations - you should go left- to- right.

1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 1을 한다면 덧셈과 뺄셈은 연산 순서에서 같은 순위니까