Use "tortillas" in a sentence

1. Chocolate and chocolate products, chocolate fillings, chocolate spreads, chocolate sweets, pralines, chocolate confectionery products, confectionery, confectionery for decorating Christmas trees, marzipan, caramels (candy), almond confectionery, desserts, confectionery products, sweetmeats (candy), candy, cookies, cakes, crackers, cream filled biscuits, pastry sticks, biscuits, sponge cakes, pastry, waffles, gingerbread, cakes, tortillas, puddings, pancakes, muesli, chocolate for beverages, beverages based on chocolate, cocoa or coffee, fillings for bakery and confectionery products

Chocolats, produits du chocolat, fourrages au chocolat, chocolat à tartiner, bonbons au chocolat, pralines, confiserie à base de chocolat, confiseries, confiseries de décoration de l'arbre de Noël, massepain, caramel, confiseries aux amandes, desserts, produits de confiserie, bonbons, friandises, biscuiterie, gâteaux, biscuits apéritifs, biscuits fourrés, cannes, biscottes, biscuits, petits fours, gaufrettes, pains d'épice, tartes, tortillas, poudings, crêpes, muesli, chocolat pour boissons, boissons chocolatées, cacao et café, fourrages pour produits boulangers et produits de confiserie