Use "salve his conscience" in a sentence

1. He thus seals the inner voice of conscience with absolute acceptance of Christ and his word.

Il confirme ainsi ce que lui suggère la voix intime de sa conscience en donnant une adhésion absolue au Christ et à sa parole.

2. No decisions to make, no conscience, no agony of free will... nothing.

Pas de décisions à prendre, pas de conscience, pas de libre arbitre, rien.

3. Although God had given no law regarding homicide, by the evasive way Cain responded to God’s inquiry, he showed that his conscience condemned him after he murdered Abel.

Bien que Dieu n’eût donné aucune loi au sujet de l’homicide, par la façon évasive dont il répondit aux questions de Dieu Caïn montra que sa conscience le condamnait pour le meurtre d’Abel (Gn 4:8, 9).

4. For a Christian, this means training the conscience to pattern itself after God’s thoughts.

Pour un chrétien, cela signifie éduquer sa conscience de façon à la calquer sur les pensées de Dieu (Romains 2:14, 15).

5. (b) Freedom of thought, conscience and belief which shall include academic freedom in institutions of learning;

b) Liberté de pensée et de conscience, ce qui comprend la liberté d’enseignement;

6. Further, honesty works for a good conscience and so makes it easy to live with oneself.

En outre, l’honnêteté aide l’individu à acquérir une bonne conscience et à vivre en paix avec lui- même.

7. But the point is this: For attaining salvation a good conscience toward God is absolutely necessary.

Mais le point capital est le suivant : Pour parvenir au salut, une bonne conscience envers Dieu est absolument indispensable.

8. Give examples of basic commands, prohibitions and principles found in God’s Word that should mold Christian conscience.

Citez des commandements, des interdictions et des principes de base contenus dans la Parole de Dieu qui doivent éduquer notre conscience chrétienne.

9. Every person has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, belief and thought and to academic freedom.

Chaque personne a le droit à la liberté de conscience, de religion, de croyance et de pensée ainsi qu’à la liberté universitaire.

10. To be governed by principle means to act upon knowledge of the facts according to reason and conscience.

Se laisser conduire par des principes signifie agir en connaissance de cause, selon la raison et la conscience.

11. In spite of this adverse decision, Jehovah’s Witnesses continued to follow their Bible-trained conscience in the matter.

En dépit de ce jugement défavorable, les Témoins de Jéhovah continuèrent à obéir à leur conscience instruite dans la Bible.

12. The wise decision is to act in harmony with your conscience trained by a study of God’s Word.

La bonne décision consiste à agir en harmonie avec votre conscience éduquée par l’étude de la Parole de Dieu.

13. Because thereby we, first of all, acknowledge our debt of gratitude to our Maker, giving us a clear conscience.

Parce que, par là, nous reconnaissons en premier lieu notre dette de gratitude envers notre Créateur, ce qui nous donne une bonne conscience.

14. Pressure was soon brought to bear on those whose conscience would not allow them to comply with this decree.

On ne tarda pas à faire pression sur les gens qui, par motif de conscience, ne pouvaient se conformer à ce décret.

15. (Hebrews 13:4) Yet, when one acts in accord with the conscience, a sense of satisfaction and peace can result.

D’autres se sont senties obligées d’avouer à leur conjoint qu’elles avaient commis l’adultère (Hébreux 13:4).

16. "It is his life that speaks, his humanity, his fidelity to the truth, his all-embracing love.

« C'est sa vie elle-même qui parle, son humanité, sa fidélité à la vérité, son amour qui s'étend à tous.

17. his meditation place, and his alchemical laboratory.

l'endroit où il médite, et son laboratoire alchimique.

18. They've addled his brain and yellowed his teeth.

Cela lui a altéré le cerveau et jauni les dents.

19. You said his family was his Achilles heel.

Tu as dit que sa famille était son talon d'Achille.

20. They've addled his brain... and yellowed his teeth.

Cela lui a altéré le cerveau et jauni les dents.

21. He had cuts on his throat, the inner side of his left wrist and the inner side of his left ankle and abrasions on his left forearm, the inner side of his right ankle and his abdomen, and several of his teeth were missing.

Il portait des plaies à la gorge, à l’intérieur du poignet gauche et à l’intérieur de la cheville gauche, des écorchures à l’avantbras gauche, à l’intérieur de la cheville droite et à l’abdomen, et il lui manquait plusieurs dents.

22. His giving started untold aeons ago with creation —his very first creation, his “only-begotten Son.”

Sa générosité s’est manifestée, en des temps immémoriaux, avec la création de “son Fils unique”, sa toute première création (Jean 3:16).

23. Just as international terrorism is an affront to civilized conduct and a threat to international peace and security, so also are impunity and crimes against humanity an affront to the world's conscience, and indeed a threat to international peace and security

De même que le terrorisme international est un affront aux normes de conduite civilisées et une menace à la paix et à la sécurité internationales, de même, l'impunité et les crimes contre l'humanité constituent un affront à la conscience de l'humanité et même une menace à la paix et à la sécurité internationales

24. Fausto Correia will be sorely missed by his family, his friends and by us, his fellow Members.

Fausto Correia manquera cruellement à sa famille, à ses amis, ainsi qu'à nous tous, ses collègues.

25. — if his current activity is DRIVING, his current continuous driving time and his current cumulative break time,

— si son activité en cours est la CONDUITE, son temps de conduite continue et son temps de pause cumulé,

26. I checked his Facebook page and his netflix queue

J' ai vérifié son facebook et ses locations sur netflix

27. But his achievements, his selfless work, and his dreams shine a light forward for all of us.

Mais ces réussites, son travail, ses rêves, brille à l'horizon pour nous.

28. " His squadron, his wings... " the Indian Air Force and the entire nation are proud of his bravery

Son escadron, ses ailes... l'armée de l'air indienne et la nation entière sont fières de son courage

29. Member of Sergeant Rolin's attack section, was characterized by his courage, his aggressive heat and his abnegation.

Appartenant à la section d'assaut du Sergent Rolin, se distingua par son courage, son ardeur agressive et son abnégation.

30. Now, his e-mail is secure, but I backdoored into his bank account and his appointment book.

Son e-mail est sécurisé, mais j'ai eu accès à son compte bancaire et son agenda.

31. He opened his heart, welcoming people with his affable personality.

Il a aussi ouvert son coeur et étant si affable, il a su accueillir les gens.

32. He's on his inner-journey, his voyage of self-discovery.

Il est en plein trip de découverte de lui-même.

33. Upon his arrival, Allemand was relieved of duty for "brutality towards his crews" and "rudeness towards his passengers".

Malgré ce succès, il est révoqué de son commandement dès son retour pour « brutalité envers son équipage » et « grossièreté vis-à-vis de ses passagers ».

34. It will interfere with his family relationships, with his ability to earn a living and also with his health.

Celui-ci portera atteinte à sa vie familiale, à sa capacité de gagner sa vie et à sa santé.

35. There's a pellet close to his heart, lodged in his pericardium.

Il y a un plomb près de son cœur, dans le péricarde.

36. His apparent tolerance for alcohol may even add to his confidence.

Comme elle aura l’impression de mieux les supporter qu’avant, elle risque de se sentir plus sûre d’elle.

37. any change in his status, such as manufacturer or importer, or in his identity, such as his name or address

de toute modification de son statut (fabricant ou importateur) ou de son identité (nom ou adresse, par exemple

38. It was under his abbacy that Saint Mederic made him his disciple and his friend; he had kept it on the baptismal font and devoted himself to his education.

C'est sous son abbatiat que saint Merry en fit son disciple et son ami ; il l'avait tenu sur les fonts baptismaux et s'était consacré à son éducation.

39. Ossi, his daughter:

Ossi, sa fille

40. But if a door is slightly ajar, he gets his toe in, and soon this is followed by his foot, then by his leg and his body and his head, and finally he is in all the way.

Mais si la porte est légèrement entr’ouverte, il introduit l’orteil et bientôt celui-ci est suivi par le pied, puis la jambe, puis le corps et la tête, et finalement il est complètement entré.

41. All the dogs of his farm-yards formed a pack of hounds at need; his grooms were his huntsmen; and the curate of the village was his grand almoner.

Tous les chiens de ses basses-cours composaient une meute dans le besoin; ses palefreniers étaient ses piqueurs; le vicaire du village était son grand-aumônier.

42. “Joshua, and all Israel with him, now took Achan the son of Zerah and the silver and the garment and the bar of gold and his sons and his daughters and his ox and his ass and his flock and his tent and everything that was his and they brought them up to the valley of Achor.

“ Josué et tout Israël avec lui prirent Acan, fils de Zérach, l’argent, le manteau, le lingot d’or, les fils et les filles d’Acan, ses bœufs, ses ânes, ses brebis, sa tente, et tout ce qui lui appartenait ; et il les fit monter dans la vallée d’Acor.

43. In his account Matthew does not seek to hide his lowly profession.

Dans son compte rendu, Matthieu ne cherche pas à cacher sa vile occupation.

44. - to operate exclusively in his own name and on his own account,

- à opérer exclusivement en son nom et pour son propre compte,

45. without access to his lawyer or family, the denial of his constitutional

, sans qu’il puisse contacter son avocat ou sa famille, le déni du droit constitutionnel

46. He was merely stating his predicament, and the angel accepted his statement.

Il exposait simplement sa situation et l’ange accepta son explication.

47. His pressure's dropping.

Sa pression artérielle chute.

48. Regardless of the evil consequences that may flow unto others, he seeks to gratify his own ambitions, his desires for his own aggrandizement, and the promotion of his selfish interests.

Quelles que soient les conséquences mauvaises qui en découlent pour les autres, l’homme cherche à satisfaire ses ambitions et ses désirs pour se mettre en avant et pour promouvoir ses intérêts égoïstes.

49. Afreet doesn't camouflage his confusion and writes in his usual sarcastic tone:

Afreet [en arabe] ne cache pas sa perplexité et écrit, avec son habituel ton sarcastique :

50. The king is following his regent like an acolyte follows his master.

Le roi suit son régent comme un acolyte suit son maître.

51. He just sits all alone in his office reading his AARP magazine.

Il passe son temps dans son bureau à lire ses magazines de retraité.

52. Had you complete, absolute faith in his teachings and his point of view?

Avais- tu une confiance absolue en ses enseignements, en son point de vue?

53. He had many eccentric habits, and often embarrassed his officers through his actions.

Il possède des vêtements excentriques et embarrasse souvent ses officiers par son comportement.

54. Raisuni was hardened by his imprisonment, and returned to criminality after his release.

Raisuni fut endurci par son emprisonnement et retourna au banditisme après sa libération.

55. His transition from acoustic to electric marked a major change in his music.

Son passage de l'acoustique à l'électrique a marqué un énorme changement dans sa musique.

56. By his presence, the Emperor acknowledged his submission to Christ the true King.

La présence de l'empereur attestait de sa soumission au Christ.

57. I was at his house last week, and I saw his team jacket.

La semaine dernière, chez lui, j'ai vu la veste de l'équipe.

58. His pressure's still dropping.

Sa tension est toujours en baisse.

59. Lock out his access.

Verrouiller ses droits d'accès.

60. Abel needs his mom.

Abel a besoin de sa maman.

61. Try dialling his number.

Essayez de faire son numéro.

62. If she had one of his maps, she would marvel at his accuracy too.

Si elle possédait l’une de ses cartes, elle serait tout aussi émerveillée de son exactitude.

63. His clothes were torn and he was left with abrasions on his lower body.

Par conséquent, ses vêtements étaient déchirés et la partie inférieure de son corps éraflée.

64. He succeeded his uncle, Shō Sen'i, who was forced to abdicate in his favor.

Il succède à son oncle, Shō Sen'i, contraint d'abdiquer en sa faveur.

65. You're his Achilles heel.

Tu es son talon d'Achille.

66. One addict spent his inheritance, sold his home, and ran up a debt of £18,000 ($29,000) to feed his 70-bottle-a-week addiction.

Un “ accro ” a dilapidé son héritage, vendu sa maison et contracté 18 000 livres de dettes [l’équivalent de 180 000 francs français] pour pouvoir s’acheter ses 70 flacons hebdomadaires.

67. Wang began to win accolades for his work towards the end of his life.

Wang commence à être récompensé pour son travail à la fin de sa vie.

68. He alleged that his employer refused to give him positions that accommodated his functional limitations.

Il allègue que son employeur lui a refusé des postes qui répondaient à ses limitations fonctionnelles.

69. Christopher, the son, absorbed the culinary rigor of his father and added his own wizardry.

Christopher, le fils, s’est imprégné de la célèbre rigueur culinaire de son père et y ajoute ses propres tours de main.

70. After the war he started his own advertising agency, which he ran until his death.

Après la guerre, il fonde sa propre agence publicitaire, qu'il dirigera jusqu'à sa mort.

71. His popularity is growing since his revelation to the Festival Voix d'Amérique (America's Voices Festival).

Sa popularité est grandissante depuis sa révélation au Festival Voix d'Amériques.

72. Doug Ross was raised by his mother, Sarah, after his father, Ray, abandoned their family.

Né en 1962, il a été élevé par sa mère, Sarah Ross, après que son père, Ray Ross, les a abandonnés.

73. He received his first instruction in playing the violin from his father, an amateur violinist.

Il reçoit ses premières leçons de violon de son père, un violoniste amateur.

74. His mother, Susan, was a cleaner at Marks & Spencer, and his father, John, a toolmaker.

Sa mère, Susan, était agent de nettoyage chez Marks & Spencer, et son père John était fabricant d'outils,.

75. Run alongside his train shouting his name while he ships off to fight the Kaiser.

Cours le long de son train en criant son nom pendant qu'ils se bat contre l'empereur.

76. This was probably due partially to his relinquishment of absolutism and partially to his personality.

Cela est dû probablement à sa renonciation à l'absolutisme, mais il fut apprécié également pour sa personnalité.

77. But as long as you seriously and sincerely trust Jehovah and stay alertly in his organization and abide by his Word and obey Jehovah’s commandments, then his spirit and his blessing will be your happy portion.

Mais, aussi longtemps que vous vous confiez sincèrement en Jéhovah et restez dans son organisation en faisant preuve de vigilance, que vous vous en tenez à sa Parole et obéissez aux commandements de Jéhovah, son esprit et ses bénédictions seront votre part.

78. After several of his runners became casualties he himself kept contact with his different positions.

Lorsque plusieurs de ses messagers tombèrent au combat, il garda personnellement contact avec ses hommes postés dans différents endroits stratégiques.

79. The Savior Jesus Christ spent His earthly ministry teaching of His healing and redemptive power.

Le Sauveur a passé son ministère terrestre à parler de son pouvoir de guérison et de rédemption.

80. His uric acid's slightly elevated.

Acide urique élevé.