Use "rear admiral" in a sentence

1. Deputy-Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear-Admiral.

Vice-amiral, commandant adjoint de la Flotte de la mer Noire.

2. Deputy-Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear Admiral

Vice-amiral, commandant adjoint de la Flotte de la mer Noire.

3. Deputy-Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear Admiral.

Vice-amiral, commandant adjoint de la Flotte de la mer Noire.

4. Former Deputy-Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear-Admiral.

Ancien commandant adjoint de la Flotte de la mer Noire, contre-amiral.

5. Former Deputy-Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear Admiral.

Ancien commandant adjoint de la Flotte de la mer Noire, contre-amiral.

6. In the first place Rear-Admiral Boyle, whom I have already discussed in his earlier capacity as our CP, was now Commander of Maritime Command, and wanted to be clear in his own mind about the incident.

D’abord le commandant du commandement maritime, notre ancien CP, le contreamiral Boyle dont j’ai déjà parlé, voulut en avoir le coeur net. Ses

7. On 23 January 1778 Darby became a rear-admiral and on 19 March 1779 he was promoted to vice-admiral, thanks to his association with Lord Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty, during the court martial of Admiral Palliser.

En 1778 Darby est promu Rear-Admiral et l'année suivante Vice-Admiral, en raison de sa proximité avec Lord Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty, pendant le procès en cour martiale de l'Admiral Palliser.