Use "project grant" in a sentence

1. Help and information number for immigrants (Medet-phone): an experimental project grant of € # million was provided to an initiative known as “Steunpunt Allochtone Meisjes en Vrouwen” (support unit for immigrant girls and women), in cooperation with the Markant independent general social welfare centre

iii) Numéro d'appel d'aide et d'information pour les allochtones (Medet-phone): un subside pour projet expérimental de # million d'euros a été alloué à l'initiative «Steunpunt Allochtone Meisjes en Vrouwen» (point d'appui pour les filles et femmes allochtones), en collaboration avec le centre autonome d'aide sociale générale Markant

2. Combining supervised exercise with liberalized pre-meal glucose targets 50,000 0 IRWIN, Jennifer D University of Western Ontario Obesity prevention and healthy bodyweight promotion in preschool-aged children - Parents' perceptions 38,191 0 SAIRAM, Malur R Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal Identification of adipocyte gene products impacting obesity and Type II Diabetes during hormone deficiency 50,000 0 TREMBLAY, Angelo Université Laval Sleep apnea and variations in energy expenditure 49,788 0 For more information on INMD's Pilot Project Grant program please contact:

Combining supervised exercise with liberalized pre-meal glucose targets 50 000 0 IRWIN, Jennifer D Université Western Ontario Obesity prevention and healthy bodyweight promotion in preschool-aged children - Parents' perceptions 38 191 0 TREMBLAY, Angelo Université Laval Sleep apnea and variations in energy expenditure 49 788 0 SAIRAM, Malur R Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal Identification of adipocyte gene products impacting obesity and Type II Diabetes during hormone deficiency 50 000 0 Pour plus de renseignements sur le programme de subventions pour des projets pilotes de l'INMD, veuillez communiquer avec :