Use "little town" in a sentence

1. But this jackal in a lion's skin... who by threatening sudden death... has held this little town abjectly terrorized.

Mais ce chacal déguisé en lion, en lançant des menaces de mort, tient cette petite ville sous la terreur.

2. A lively little town but living to a relaxing Mediterranean tempo this beautiful and fairytale Principality, nestled between France and Italy with the spectacular backdrop of the Alps, leaves the real world and its problems behind. For these reasons Monaco and Monte Carlo remains an international destination for stars and celebrities who appreciate the privacy they can enjoy in this little corner of paradise.

La paix, la propreté et la sécurité de ce lieu, font de la Principauté de Monaco et de Monte Carlo, une destination appréciée et fréquentée à un niveau international.