Use "kfar saba" in a sentence

1. Watching from a distance, Saba approved their actions.

À quelque distance de là, Saba observe sa progéniture d’un œil satisfait.

2. When Pope Innocent II asked Thurstan's opinion on the elevation of Anselm of St Saba, who was Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, to become Bishop of London, Thurstan replied "If we consider his life and reputation, it would be much more fitting to remove him from his abbacy than to promote him to be bishop of London."

Quand le pape Innocent II demande à Thurstan ce qu'il pense de l'élévation d'Anselm de Saint Saba, qui était abbé de Bury Saint Edmunds, à la fonction d'évêque de Londres, Thurstan réplique que « si l'on considère sa vie et sa réputation, il conviendrait mieux de lui retirer sa fonction d'abbé plutôt que de le promouvoir évêque de Londres ».

3. A number of licensed versions were released in Europe, including the Luxor Video Entertainment System in Scandinavia (Sweden), Adman Grandstand in the UK, and the Saba Videoplay, Nordmende Teleplay and ITT Tele-Match Processor, from Germany and also Dumont Videoplay and Barco Challenger from the Barco/Dumont company in Italy and Belgium.

Un certain nombre de versions autorisées sortirent en Europe, y compris le Luxor Video Entertainment System en Suède, Grandstand au R-U, et le Saba Videoplay et d'ITT Tele-Match Processor, tous les deux en Allemagne.