Use "harold" in a sentence

1. Macmillan, Harold, Chancellor of the Exchequer of United Kingdom, (-Jan.1957); Prime Minister.

Macmillan, Harold, chancelier de l'Échiquier du Royaume-Uni (-jan.

2. Calling her "Adelida", Robert of Torigni follows Orderic in showing her as the affianced of Harold.

Robert de Torigni, qui l'appelle « Adelida », suit Orderic en la disant fiancée à Harold.

3. More than 200 British Bombes were built under the supervision of chief engineer Harold Keen of the British Tabulating Machine Company.

Plus de 200 Bombes britanniques ont été fabriquées sous la supervision d’Harold Keen de la British Tabulating Machine Company,.

4. Standing on top of the gasometer, Harold Perrin, secretary of the Royal Aero Club, waved a flag to indicate the start of Grahame-White's attempt.

Juché sur la couverture du gazomètre, Harold Perrin, secrétaire du Royal Aero Club, agita un drapeau indiquant le départ de la tentative de Grahame-White.