Use "each and every one" in a sentence

1. I assure each and every one of my affectionate thoughts, which I accompany with prayer.

J’assure tous et chacun de ma pensée affectueuse, que j’accompagne de ma prière.

2. I heartily embrace each and every one: the entire land of Poland and all who live here.

J'embrasse chacun et chacune de tout mon cœur: tout le territoire polonais, ainsi que tous ses habitants.

3. Alertly the branch overseer called the attention of the detectives to the fact that the authorization required that each and every one of the publications be named on the list —otherwise they could not rightly seize them.

Promptement, le surveillant de filiale a fait remarquer que le nom de chacune des publications devait figurer sur la liste, sans quoi ils n’avaient pas le droit de les confisquer.

4. I would dare to say that we are, each and every one, an eternity that wanders absent-mindedly along the daily roads of today without soaking up the deep significance of each insignificance, those billion daily personal actions are completely impossible to know and uncontrollable.

Ceci empêche l'homme de contrôler et de comprendre globalement l'Economie.