Use "colonialism" in a sentence

1. Today, as in the era of colonialism, tens of thousands of ambitious young people from Europe’s periphery are escaping the old continent in search of better opportunities in America, Africa, and Asia.

Aujourd’hui, comme à l’ère du colonialisme, des dizaines de milliers d’ambitieux jeunes gens issus de la périphérie de l’Europe quittent le vieux continent en quête de meilleures opportunités en Amérique, en Afrique et en Asie.

2. As a country with a paradoxical history of slavery and colonialism having existed alongside a tradition of parliamentary democracy going back more than # years, Barbados attached the highest importance to the issue of human rights and democracy in both its domestic and its foreign policy

En tant que pays connaissant une histoire paradoxale où l'esclavage et le colonialisme allaient de pair avec une tradition de démocratie parlementaire remontant à plus de # années, la Barbade attachée la plus haute importance à la question des droits de l'homme et de la démocratie dans sa politique intérieure et étrangère

3. In fact, this was never truly so, as the long history of colonialism and neocolonialism attests. From the perspective of the metropole, however, the conflation of membership with affectedness appeared to have an emancipatory thrust, as it served to justify the progressive incorporation, as active citizens, of the subordinate classes and status groups who were resident on the territory but excluded from full political participation.

Ce n'est qu'à cette condition que la théorie retrouvera sa pertinence et sa promesse d'être une approche qui peut contribuer à l'émancipation.