Use "velar" in a sentence

1. # The Velar Nasal is a non-phonemic allophone of /n/ in some northerly British accents, appearing only before /k/ and /g/. In all other dialects it is a separate phoneme, although it only occurs in Syllable Coda s.

The longest German word verified to be actually in (albeit very limited) use is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz .

2. Mono has 33 consonant phonemes, including three labial-velar stops (/k͡p/, /ɡ͡b/, and prenasalized /ŋ͡mɡ͡b/), an asymmetrical eight-vowel system, and a labiodental flap /ⱱ/ (allophonically a bilabial flap ) that contrasts with both /v/ and /w/.

Mono hat 33 Konsonantenphoneme, einschließlich dreier labial-velarer Plosive (/k͡p/, /ɡ͡b/ und pränasalierten /ŋ͡mɡ͡b/), ein asymmetrisches Acht-Vokal-System und einen labiodentalen Flap () das sowohl mit /v/ als auch mit /w/ kontrastiert.

3. Kappa (majuscule Κ, minuscule κ) is the 10th letter of the Greek alphabet , used to represent the voiceless velar stop , or "k", sound in Ancient and Modern Greek . In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 20.

Greek letter kappa.png Kappa ( Majuskel Κ, Minuskel κ) ist der 10.