Use "sphincters" in a sentence

1. Resection of digestive sphincters like the pylorus (antrum) or the cardia (terminal esophagus) means reflux.

Die Resektion intestinaler Schleusensysteme (Pylorus - Antrum; Kardia - terminaler Oesophagus) bedeutet Reflux.

2. They stress the anal sphincters more acutely than either the infrequent, small-amplitude, nonpropulsive contractions or clustered contractions of the healthy rectum.

Sie belasten den Sphincterapparat stärker als die seltenen, schwachen und nichtpropulsiven oder Clusterkontraktionen des normalen Rectums.

3. The trained and experienced surgeon is able to perform operations above the pectinate line, for example, polyps, prolapsing tumors etc. without stretching the anal sphincters and without anaesthesia being neccessary.

Der erfahrene Chirurg kann oberhalb der Linea dentata z.B.