Use "pregnancy test" in a sentence

1. I had endometriosis, adenomyosis and fibroid in the stomach which can make it difficult to get pregnant.� Several doctors suggested I do IVF to get pregnant because I could not fall pregnant in the normal way.� I went to Alan�s healing service and he prayed over me.� After that I went to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.� Ten days after the healing Mass I did a pregnancy test and found the result was positive.� I believe through Alan God sent me a miracle; thanks be to God.

Ich stürzte und brach meinen Arm, und obwohl die Ärzte ihn einrichteten, war er nicht gerade und ich brauchte eine weitere Operation, um den Arm einzurichten und die Schmerzen zu stoppen. Ich ging zu einer Messe und dem Heilungsgebet mit Alan Ames.