Use "pentlandite" in a sentence

1. Two significant alteration assemblages are amphibole (actinolite) + epidote + chlorite + quartz ± albite ± K-feldspar ± calcite adjacent to Cu-rich veins in the Deep Copper Zone of Strathcona mine and the nearby Barnet property, and amphibole (actinolite to ferro-actinolite) + epidote + titanite + pentlandite + pyrite ±quartz ± magnetite in the Fraser mine Epidote Zone.

Zwei signifikante Mineralassoziationen sind Amphibol (Aktinolith) und Epitot + Chlorit + Quarz + Albit ± K-Feldspat ± Calcit in der Nähe kupferreicher Gänge der Deep Copper Zone der Stratcona Mine und dem nahegelegenen BarnetVorkommen.