Use "mourning" in a sentence

1. She was a member of the Aborigines Progressive Association (APA), and was involved with various protest events such as the 1938 Day of Mourning.

Sie war Mitglied der Aborigines Progressive Association (APA) und nahm teil in verschiedenen Protesten wie zum Beispiel dem Day of Mourning 1938.

2. The salient points of these cases are briefly sketched, two deaths are described in more detail; they show the differences in individual and collective mourning, existing even in the ‘egaliterian’ acephalic society of the Eipo In the discussion which includes some other Papuan cultures of the highlands, of New Guinea, particular attention is directed to the rituals of mourning, Publikation Nr.

In stichpunktartiger Skizzierung werden wichtig erscheinende Geschehnisse aufgelistet, zwei Fälle ausführlicher beschrieben.

3. In fact, the Latin Vulgate Bible and the English Douay Version Bible use the name Adonis instead of Tammuz in Ezekiel 8:14: “Behold women sat there mourning for Adonis,” or, “Lord.”

In der Tat, die lateinische Vulgata und die deutsche Allioli-Bibel gebrauchen in Hesekiel 8:14 den Namen Adonis statt Tammuz: „Siehe, da saßen Weiber, welche den Adonis [oder „Herrn“] beweinten.“

4. 31 For behold, I, the Lord, have seen the sorrow, and heard the mourning of the daughters of my people in the land of Jerusalem, yea, and in all the lands of my people, because of the wickedness and a abominations of their b husbands .

31 Denn siehe, ich, der Herr, habe das Leid gesehen und das Klagen der Töchter meines Volkes im Land Jerusalem vernommen, ja, und in allen Ländern meines Volkes, wegen der Schlechtigkeit und Greueltaten ihrer Ehemänner.