Use "chicks" in a sentence

1. During the first days after fledging, all chicks were found hiding on the ground among the grass stubble.

In den ersten Tagen versteckten sich alle Küken zwischen den Grasstoppeln am Boden.

2. A study was made of the histological alterations which occur in the development of nutritional encephalomalacia in the chick cerebellum. 3 categories of chicks were discernible according to severity of symptoms.

Nach der Schwere der klinischen Symptome wurden 3 Gruppen von Tieren unterschieden.

3. From hatching onward, DEE of shorebirds was high compared to DEE of chicks of altricial species, reflecting the high costs of locomotion and thermoregulation, and mass-specific DEE increased rapidly to adult levels.

Vom Schlupf an war der DEE der Limikolen hoch im Vergleich zum DEE von Küken nesthockender Arten, was die hohen Kosten für Bewegung und Thermoregulation wiederspiegelt, und der gewichtsspezifische DEE stieg rasch auf Adultniveau an.