Use "capital erosion" in a sentence

1. This was done to mitigate the capital erosion of approximately KRW 22 trillion that had resulted from accumulated deficit and discount on capital stocks ( 61 ).

KRW abzufedern, die sich aus dem akkumulierten Defizit und dem Abschlag auf Stammaktien ergeben hatte.

2. This was done to mitigate the capital erosion of approximately KRW 22 trillion that had resulted from accumulated deficit and discount on capital stocks(61).

KRW abzufedern, die sich aus dem akkumulierten Defizit und dem Abschlag auf Stammaktien ergeben hatte.(

3. This was done to mitigate for the capital erosion of approximately KRW 22 trillion that had resulted from accumulated deficit and discount on capital stocks [62].

KRW abzufedern, die sich aus dem akkumulierten Defizit und dem Abschlag auf Stammaktien ergeben hatte.