Use "candida" in a sentence

1. Caspofungin also has in vitro activity against Candida species (Candida albicans [ N = # ], Candida dubliniensis [ N = # ], Candida glabrata [ N = # ], Candida guilliermondii [ N = # ], Candida kefyr [ N = # ], Candida krusei [ N = # ], Candida lipolytica [ N = # ], Candida lusitaniae [ N = # ], Candida parapsilosis [ N = # ], Candida rugosa [ N = # ], and Candida tropicalis [ N = # ]), including isolates with multiple resistance transport mutations and those with acquired or intrinsic resistance to fluconazole, amphotericin B, and #-flucytosine

Caspofungin besitzt ebenfalls In-vitro-Aktivität gegen Candida-Spezies (Candida albicans [ n = # ], Candida dubliniensis [ n = # ], Candida glabrata [ n = # ], Candida guilliermondii [ n = # ], Candida kefyr [ n = # ], Candida krusei [ n = # ], Candida lipolytica [ n = # ], Candida lusitaniae [ n = # ], Candida parapsilosis [ n =# ], Candida rugosa [ n = # ] und Candida tropicalis [ n = # ]) einschließlich der Isolate mit transportbedingter multipler Resistenz und jener mit erworbener oder intrinsischer Resistenz gegen Fluconazol, Amphotericin B und #-Flucytosin

2. Protein products obtained from yeasts of the Candida variety cultivated on n-alkanes.’

Proteinerzeugnisse, die aus auf n-Alkanen gezüchteten Hefen der Art Candida gewonnen werden.“

3. Candida parapsilosis), more rarely molds (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis), play a role as causative agents of onychomycosis.

Candida parapsilosis), seltener Schimmelpilze (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis) eine Rolle.

4. The Enterobacter aerogenes was almost always found in association with other microorganisms, such as Herpes simplex virus and Candida sp.

Enterobacter aerogenes wurde beinahe immer in Verbindung mit anderen Mikroorganismen gefunden, wie z. B.

5. Such combination therapies should continue to be evaluated in animal models of Candida infection which otherwise progress to lethal shock or chronic disseminated disease despite aggressive use of existing antifungal agents.

Derartige Kombina-tionstherapien sollten weiterhin in Tiermodellen von Candida-Infektionen untersucht werden, die ansonsten trotz aggressiver Anwendung verfügbarer Antimykotika zum tödlichen Schock oder chronischen disseminierten Erkrankung führen würden.

6. Patients in both study arms were permitted to switch to oral fluconazole after at least # days of intravenous therapy, provided that they were able to tolerate oral medication and were afebrile for at least # hours, and that the most recent blood cultures were negative for Candida species

Die Patienten konnten in beiden Behandlungsarmen nach mindestens # Tagen intravenöser Behandlung auf orales Fluconazol umgestellt werden, sofern sie eine orale Therapie tolerierten, für mindestens # Stunden fieberfrei waren und die letzten Blutkulturen bezüglich Candida-Spezies negativ ausgefallen waren