kleingeld in French

kleingeld [klɛi˘ŋɤ°ɛlt] monnaie

Sentence patterns related to "kleingeld"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kleingeld" from the Dutch - French Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kleingeld", or refer to the context using the word "kleingeld" in the Dutch - French Dictionary.

1. Sleutels, kleingeld, snoepjes.

2. Jouw probleem is dat je je tijd verdoet voor kleingeld.

3. Jullie torsen niet zes dollar aan kleingeld mee.

4. Dus ik vroeg hem beleefd om wat kleingeld.

5. En dat handeltje... is maar kleingeld... vergeleken met die obligatiezwendel.