들쥐 in English

noun - 들쥐
vole: 들쥐, 전승
field rat: 들쥐
harvest mouse: 들쥐

Sentence patterns related to "들쥐"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "들쥐" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "들쥐", or refer to the context using the word "들쥐" in the Korean - English.

1. 식단에는 때때로 돼지·도마뱀·아구티(들쥐)·거북·아르마딜로도 올랐습니다.

The menu sometimes included pig, lizard, agouti, turtle, and armadillo.

2. 수완이 좋은 사냥꾼인 스라소니는 생쥐, 들쥐, 뇌조, 오리, 비버, 다람쥐도 잡아먹습니다.