廃藩置県 in Vietnamese

Kana: はいはんちけん

  • n
  • sự loại bỏ kiểu quản lý thị tộc và hình thành quận huyệ

Sentence patterns related to "廃藩置県"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "廃藩置県" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "廃藩置県", or refer to the context using the word "廃藩置県" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. さらに翌年の廃藩置県後、九十九商会は個人事業となった。

2. 五箇条の御誓文、マスコミの発達推進、封建的風習の廃止、版籍奉還・廃藩置県、人材優先主義、四民平等、憲法制定と三権分立の確立、二院制の確立、教育の充実、法治主義の確立などを提言し、明治政府に実施させた。