小骨 in Vietnamese

Kana: こぼね

  • n
  • nhánh xương; xương dăm
  • nhánh xương; xương răm

Sentence patterns related to "小骨"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "小骨" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "小骨", or refer to the context using the word "小骨" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. 化石には頭蓋骨、顎、肋骨、歯、ほぼ完全な足の骨、手の骨、耳小骨が含まれる。

Các hóa thạch bao gồm sọ, hàm, xương sườn, răng, xương chân gần như hoàn thiện, bàn tay, và tai trong.

2. 鼓膜は,つち骨,きぬた骨,あぶみ骨と呼ばれる三つの小さな骨からなる耳小骨に付着しています。

3. なぜなら,子宮は筒のようにまっすぐになり,位置が少し下がり,赤ちゃんの頭はついに小骨盤の部分に来るからです。

4. 鼓膜の震動は,てこの作用によって増幅され,耳小骨 ― つち骨,きぬた骨,あぶみ骨と呼ばれる小さな骨から成る ― を介して内耳に伝わります。