ondatra in Vietnamese

* danh từ giống đực
- (động vật học) chuột hải ly

Sentence patterns related to "ondatra"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ondatra" from the French - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ondatra", or refer to the context using the word "ondatra" in the French - Vietnamese.

1. Le rat musqué, Ondatra zibethicus, est un campagnol de taille respectable.

2. Des techniques de radiotélémétrie ont permis d'établir la relation entre l'activité de rats musqués (Ondatra zibethicus) et les changements de leur température abdominale (Tb).

3. Sept trématodes, trois nématodes, deux cestodes, un acanthocéphale, un protozoaire et trois acariens ont été trouvés chez 171 rats musqués (Ondatra zibethica) capturés au Manitoba.