protón in Vietnamese

  • {proton} (vật lý) Proto

Sentence patterns related to "protón"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "protón" from the Spanish - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "protón", or refer to the context using the word "protón" in the Spanish - Vietnamese.

1. Toda posición del campo magnético permite el movimiento del electrón alrededor del protón.

Tất cả do từ lực hút đẩy vị trí, khiến cho electron chuyển động xung quanh proton.

2. H2TeO3 → H+ + HTeO3− pK 2.48 El ácido telúrico pierde un protón en ese punto de pKa.

H2TeO3 → H+ + HTeO3– pK = 2.48 Axit teluric phân ly cho ra một proton.