worsen in Vietnamese

@worsen /'wə:sn/
ngoại động từ
- làm cho xấu hơn, làm cho tồi hơn, làm cho tệ hơn
- (thông tục) thắng
nội động từ
- trở nên xấu hơn, trở nên tồi hơn, trở nên tệ hơ

Sentence patterns related to "worsen"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "worsen" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "worsen", or refer to the context using the word "worsen" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Your aphasia will worsen.

2. The verdict may worsen racial hostility.

3. Interfering now could worsen the problem.

4. Further dispute would worsen your relations.

5. In some cases , antibiotics worsen the condition .

Trong vài trường hợp thì thuốc kháng sinh có thể làm cho chứng ngộ độc này càng trầm trọng thêm .

6. Symptoms often worsen just before a woman's period.

Triệu chứng thường trở nên xấu đi trước kỳ kinh nguyệt của phụ nữ.

7. Start of school can worsen bedwetting in children

Nhập học có thể làm chứng đái dầm ở trẻ em tệ hơn

8. On the home front, the fuel crisis continues to worsen.

9. Vacillations between anger and overprotectiveness only worsen the situation.

10. There is some Concern that the economy might worsen

11. High pollen counts and air conditioners may worsen allergies.

12. These images symbolised the chaos which continues to worsen.

13. But without it, our condition will continue to worsen.

14. We were worried that one tiny jolt could worsen her injuries.

15. Bulging disc symptoms can worsen with coughing, sneezing, and bending

16. Thiazide diuretics , contraceptives or anabolic steroids will worsen metabolic control .

17. This situation is expected to worsen if global temperatures rise.

18. This water crisis is only expected to worsen as the population increases.

Cuộc khủng hoảng nước này hiện đang được dự báo sẽ trầm trọng thêm khi dân số tăng lên.

19. Reticular reticulate Crisscrossed Antonyms nonreticulate get worse worsen attend to 5

20. This may, however, worsen hypertension by increasing the peripheral vascular resistance.

21. Sweating in itself does not cause bacne, But it can worsen it

22. In addition, growth and abnormal loading of joints progressively worsen functional deficits.

23. Nine did , while 19 developed mild cognitive impairment, which can worsen Alzheimers.

24. But he shares the view that fixed exchange rates would worsen matters.

25. Sweating in itself does not cause bacne, But it can worsen it.

26. Delayed rescue, delayed fasciotomy, and radical debridement may worsen the physical prognosis.

27. Some Antiseptics may delay the healing process and worsen a wound's condition.

28. Occupational exposure to silica, pesticides, and mercury can also worsen the disease.

Phơi nhiễm nghề nghiệp đối với silica, thuốc trừ dịch hại và thủy ngân cũng có thể làm bệnh nặng hơn.

29. These options would actually worsen the economy and add to the deficit.

30. Overall, property results continue to worsen with annual returns now running at 2 percent.

31. Another word for Aggravate: make worse, exaggerate, intensify, worsen, heighten Collins English Thesaurus

32. Further, as world conditions worsen, we are increasingly exposed to potentially traumatic experiences.

Hơn nữa, trong khi tình trạng thế giới suy đồi, chúng ta càng ngày càng trải qua nhiều kinh nghiệm có thể gây chấn thương.

33. Using HAldol with other drugs that make you drowsy can worsen this effect.

34. In many lands the situation may even worsen in the years to come.

Tại nhiều xứ, có lẽ tình trạng sẽ còn tồi tệ hơn trong những năm sau này.

35. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a progressive condition that can worsen without proper care.

36. Quickly stopping the medication in those with coronary artery disease may worsen symptoms.

Nhanh chóng ngừng thuốc ở những người có bệnh động mạch vành có thể làm trầm trọng thêm các triệu chứng.

37. This may, however,[sentencedict .com] worsen hypertension by increasing the peripheral vascular resistance.

38. Arthritis, epilepsy and other conditions that worsen with the cycle would remain stable.

39. The continued supply of arms to the region will only worsen the situation.

40. Printing money would worsen inflation, debauch the currency and bring a balance - of - payments crisis.

41. Research suggests that an inauthentic smile to hide unhappiness can further worsen your mood.

42. Phenomenon lake's Dried up showed that hydrology situation was developing worsen tendency in Shazhuyuregion.

43. However, Adrenergic drugs may worsen a pre-existing cardiac disorder, such as causing a …

44. It can affect children as well as adults, but seems to worsen with age.

45. A lot of teachers expect the situation to worsen over the next few years.

46. Dissatisfaction will worsen as the full effects of recent massive price rises are felt.

47. 5 That army, unimaginably, would worsen under the goading pressures of famine, overpopulation, and bribery.

48. The situation could worsen this year as the government continues to clamp down on credit.

49. Avoid scrubbing too abrasively because this can actually irritate the skin and cause acne to worsen.

50. But decongestant sprays or drops can worsen congestion if used more than two or three days.