worthlessness in Vietnamese

@worthlessness /'wə:θlisnis/
* danh từ
- tính chất không có giá trị, tính chất vô dụng, tính chất không ra gì; tính chất không xứng đáng

Sentence patterns related to "worthlessness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "worthlessness" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "worthlessness", or refer to the context using the word "worthlessness" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. We may face fatigue, discouragement, or feelings of worthlessness.

2. David did not dwell on feelings of remorse and worthlessness.

Đa-vít đã không day đi day lại với cảm giác hối hận và mặc cảm.

3. Ingrained memories still produce overwhelming feelings of worthlessness and guilt.”

Những ký ức đã ăn sâu vẫn khiến lòng tôi đầy cảm giác tự ti và tội lỗi”.

4. But some seem to wage a constant battle against feelings of worthlessness.

Nhưng một số người dường như lúc nào cũng phải chiến đấu với cảm nghĩ mình vô dụng.

5. 4 In the Scriptures, Hebrew words referring to idols often stress worthlessness, or they are terms of contempt.

4 Trong Kinh-thánh, những từ ngữ Hê-bơ-rơ nói về hình tượng thường thường nhấn mạnh đến sự vô giá trị, hoặc đó là những từ để chỉ sự khinh bỉ.

6. Antonyms for Choiceness include worthlessness, subservience, damage, beginning, frustration, start, incompleteness, uselessness, inferiority and commencement

7. Betise definition: a stupid mistake synonyms: fault, foolishness, error, folly, mistake, stupidity, imbecility antonyms: perfection, absolve, worthlessness

8. Satan’s tactics are designed to strip you of dignity, to produce feelings of disgrace, worthlessness, and despair.

9. Inferiority, worthlessness, shoddiness, tawdriness, commonness, poorness, tattiness, paltriness, crappiness (slang) What I object to most in this novel is the Cheapness …

10. Hophni and Phinehas were “good-for-nothing men” —literally “sons of worthlessness”— because they had no regard for Jehovah.

Hóp-ni và Phi-nê-a là “người gian-tà [“vô lại”, Các Giờ Kinh Phụng Vụ]” vì họ không kính trọng Đức Giê-hô-va.

11. An Antidepressant is the name given to a medicine that can help relieve the symptoms of depression, such as low mood, anxiety, and worthlessness

12. 4 The idea of personal worthlessness stabs at the heart of the truth of God’s Word, the teaching of the ransom.

4 Khái niệm cho rằng mình không ra gì đi ngược với lẽ thật chủ yếu trong Lời Đức Chúa Trời, sự dạy dỗ về giá chuộc (Giăng 3:16).

13. A common way of doing this is through jabbing ; a Beady spreads negativity and feelings of worthlessness through these jabs.

14. Antidepressants help to relieve symptoms of depression such as low mood, irritability, feelings of worthlessness, restlessness, anxiety, and difficulty in sleeping

15. SSRI Antidepressants help to relieve symptoms of depression such as low mood, irritability, feelings of worthlessness, restlessness, anxiety, and difficulty in sleeping

16. Even though I still have to fight against feelings of guilt and worthlessness, I have learned to lean upon God’s mercy and loving-kindness.

Mặc dù vẫn phải chống lại cảm giác tội lỗi và mặc cảm tự ti, tôi đã tập nương cậy nơi lòng thương xót và nhân từ của Đức Chúa Trời.

17. A nightmarish period of time called the “great tribulation” will expose, among other things, the worthlessness of trusting in the material goods that people have feverishly accumulated.

18. 27 If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered. 

19. ‘Much Bavardage occurs in which Celia gets the keys to Silas's car and spits in his face about his total worthlessness.’ Synonyms tittle-tattle , tattle, rumour, rumours, whispers, stories, tales, canards, titbits

20. Fichman, Koestner, and Zuroff describe two types of depression: Anaclitic, which includes feelings of helplessness, fears of being abandoned, and wanting to be cared for and loved; and introjective, which includes intense feelings of inferiority, guilt, worthlessness, and a …