worn-out in Vietnamese

* tính từ
- rất mòn và do đó không còn dùng được nữa
- mệt lử, kiệt sức (người)

Sentence patterns related to "worn-out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "worn-out" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "worn-out", or refer to the context using the word "worn-out" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. These shoes are worn out.

2. Your blanket is worn out.

3. My shoes are worn out.

4. I was emotionally worn out.

Tôi cảm thấy kiệt quệ.

5. Well, the speedometer is worn out.

6. She was worn out with work.

7. You must be absolutely worn out.

8. I am worn out with civility.

9. I know you are worn out.

10. I am worn out with domestic worries.

11. Can we sit down? I'm worn out.

12. But his face is totally worn out!

Nhưng mặt anh ấy hốc hác đi rồi!

13. He was bankrupt, discouraged, and worn out."

Ông đã bị phá sản, khuyến khích, và kiệt sức."

14. My running shoes were old, worn out, tired.

Đôi giày thể thao cũ kĩ, tàn tạ, mệt mỏi

15. These phrases were worn out ten years ago.

16. After 84 years, his body is worn out.

Sau 84 năm, cơ thể của ông ấy bị hao mòn.

17. Bushed informal Completely exhausted, fatigued, or worn out

18. Replace Your Old, Worn-Out RV Awning Fabric

19. He dropped into an armchair,utterly worn out.

20. Hey, Dad, my sneakers are worn out again.

Bố ơi, giày của con lại rách rồi.

21. Her patience had/was at last worn out.

22. 11 My eyes are worn out from shedding tears.

11 Mắt tôi mỏi mòn vì lệ tuôn rơi.

23. Tom worked all day and was completely worn out.

24. The carpet on the stairs is getting worn out.

25. Because, quite honestly, she was feeling absolutely worn out.

26. 3 They are worn out from want and hunger;

3 Họ gầy mòn vì túng thiếu và đói khát;

27. You could tell when the barrel was worn out.

28. Armrests are easily worn out from day to day use

29. I 've been working all night and I'm worn out.

30. I was worn out after my clamber up the hillside.

31. They feel tired, burdened down, worn-out, and even burned-out.

Họ cảm thấy lo lắng, mệt mỏi và kiệt quệ.

32. Whether it’s a worn-out Couch or a loveseat that doesn

33. Clapped out: To be used up, worn out or otherwise exhausted

34. Insects, worn out after a night of chirping, were quietly asleep.

35. There the worn-out crew found a welcoming people and abundant supplies.

Ở đây, thủy thủ đoàn kiệt sức được thổ dân tiếp đón ân cần và có dư dật thực phẩm.

36. "You're worn out, Laura," he said. "Go home and get some rest.".

37. Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out.

38. Capable of being depleted or worn out by use: Consumable paper products

39. Cramming can leave you feeling down and worn out in the end

40. After only a month Terry had worn out the soles of his shoes.

41. So some of the men put on ragged clothes and worn-out sandals.

Rồi một số người đàn ông khoác lên người quần áo rách rưới và chân mang giày dép đã mòn.

42. I think I'll give my exercise class a miss tonight - I'm worn out.

43. If you treat your coat so roughly, it will be worn out soon.

44. They were worn out after a long day spent working in the fields.

45. Everyone said I looked worn out and must have been gadding about too much!

46. 17 Even now our eyes are worn out from looking in vain for help.

17 Cả lúc này, mắt chúng ta vẫn mòn mỏi mà ngóng trông sự giúp đỡ cách vô ích.

47. Saturdays and she was tired and worn out with the cleaning, shopping, washing, ironing.

48. Replacing your RV PAneling can do wonders for a worn-out, damaged or dated interior

49. Corny describes something that's either worn out and tiresome or overly sentimental — and sometimes both

50. Your composition will read better if you cross out these worn - out figures of speech.