working class in Vietnamese

@working class
* danh từ
- (the working class) giai cấp công nhân
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-tầng lớp lao động chân tay
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-tầng lớp công nhâ

Sentence patterns related to "working class"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "working class" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "working class", or refer to the context using the word "working class" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The working class generally remained ignorant.

Còn giai cấp lao động nói chung vẫn ở trong tình trạng thất học.

2. the socioeconomic dynamic's Predominantly working class.

Địa vị kinh tế xã hội chủ yếu là tầng lớp lao động.

3. Mouthing spleen about the...working-class cause.

4. Counterproductive for the working class you might say.

5. He came from an Aspiring working-class background

6. He is a worthy descendant of the working class.

7. In this video Steven Franklin discusses the significance of Chartism as the first working class mass political movement and progenitor of later working class

8. Chartism was a working class movement from 1839 to 1848

9. • The working class Adolescent of the 60s had quite a …

10. 18 The group is mainly black,[] mainly working-class.

11. All trace of his working - class background was deliberately obscured.

12. 9 All trace of his working - class background was deliberately obscured.

13. The working class has declined as a percentage of the population.

14. And it also supports working-class kids going into Indian schools.

Và nó cũng hỗ trợ trẻ em lao động ở các trường học Ấn Độ.

15. His novel Boyos portrays life among mobsters in the working class

16. Or can't you tie a tie, you old working-class poet?

Em nghi ngờ anh không thể tự làm được điều đó.

17. I loved her combination of cultured sophistication and working-class humor.

18. And it also supports working- class kids going into Indian schools.

Và nó cũng hỗ trợ trẻ em lao động ở các trường học Ấn Độ.

19. Chartism was a movement based on improving the political, social, and economic conditions of the working class and is considered the first mass working class movement in the world

20. At the time, the community was a mostly white, working-class neighborhood.

Lúc đó, khi dân cư hầu hết là những người lao động da trắng.

21. This could be Pat Buchanan, beating the drum of working-class Republicanism.

22. Chartism was a national British working-class movement aimed at parliamentary reform

23. Before 19 neither peasant land hunger nor working-class militancy were abating.

24. 10 I loved her combination of cultured sophistication and working-class humor.

25. Towns and cities began to swell with a new urban working class.

Dân số thành thị bắt đầu tăng lên với một tầng lớp lao động đô thị mới.

26. At the time, the community was a mostly white, working- class neighborhood.

Lúc đó, khi dân cư hầu hết là những người lao động da trắng.

27. But did the working class accept their continued relatively poor conditions without demur.

28. Similar problems afflict working - class whites, but they are more concentrated among blacks.

29. Working class women wore their tunics ankle-length and belted at the waist.

30. It was she who guided my every step in the working-class movement.

31. We settled in Footscray, a working- class suburb whose demographic is layers of immigrants.

Chúng tôi định cư ở Footscray, vùng ngoại ô cho dân lao động trong đó dân số là các tầng lớp người nhập cư.

32. Bonnets of this style appeared in 1770 worn by working class and fashionable women

33. Ask the question: is it really true that the working class no longer exists?

34. We settled in Footscray, a working-class suburb whose demographic is layers of immigrants.

Chúng tôi định cư ở Footscray, vùng ngoại ô cho dân lao động trong đó dân số là các tầng lớp người nhập cư.

35. I recall knocking on a door in Vallecas, a working-class section of Madrid.

Tôi còn nhớ gõ cửa một nhà ở Vallecas là một khu vực của giới lao động ở Madrid.

36. It's plump actors pretending to be working class, when their fathers are neuro-surgeons.

37. I grew up in a working-class neighborhood in the seaport city of Turku.

Tôi lớn lên trong khu lao động ở thành phố cảng Turku.

38. The working class, once mainly blue- collar manual labor, is increasingly clerical, technical, or professional.

39. Gately grew up in relative poverty in the working-class Sheriff Street area of Dublin.

Stephen Gately lớn lên trong tầng lớp lao động nghèo ở khu phố Sheriff của Dublin.

40. In working-class areas, Alleys provided space for small manufacturing, repair shops, rear houses, children's

41. 10 The 1867 Reform Act extended the franchise to much of the male working class.

42. Bowler hats were popular among working-class men in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

43. He grew up working - class in Manhattan and was always drawn to the prep school mystique.

44. 10 The unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.

45. The much publicized working-class Conservative has yet to take command of the green leather benches.

46. His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class.

47. The working class is more uniform in origins than ever before because downward mobility has declined.

48. Ringway One was an inner ring road running largely through working-class areas of housing stress.

49. As Third World capitalism develops, the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role.

50. Chartism was a movement of the industrial working class, protesting against their living and working conditions