whatsoever in Vietnamese

@whatsoever /,w tsou'e /
* tính từ & danh từ
- dạng nhấn mạnh của whateve

Sentence patterns related to "whatsoever"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "whatsoever" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "whatsoever", or refer to the context using the word "whatsoever" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. No provocation whatsoever.

Không khiêu khích một chút nào.

2. No cheating whatsoever.

Không có bất kỳ gian lận nào

3. There's no risk whatsoever here.

4. None whatsoever, but I did nothing wrong.

Không có gì, nhưng tôi không làm gì sai.

5. The film has no artistic merit whatsoever.

6. She felt no lust whatsoever for him.

7. In this sometimes precarious journey through mortality, may we also follow that advice from the Apostle Paul which will help to keep us safe and on course: “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” 5

Trong cuộc hành trình đôi khi thật bấp bênh này xuyên qua cuộc sống trần thế, cầu mong chúng ta cũng tuân theo lời khuyên từ Sứ Đồ Phao Lô mà sẽ giúp chúng ta an toàn và đi đúng đường: “Phàm điều chi chân thật, điều chi đáng tôn, điều chi công bình, điều chi thanh sạch, điều chi đáng yêu chuộng, điều chi có tiếng tốt, điều chi có nhân đức đáng khen, thì anh em phải nghĩ đến”5

8. She showed no inclination whatsoever to go forward.

9. The peasantry still had virtually no rights whatsoever.

10. What does Anywhere mean? Any place whatsoever

11. I had no sensation of pain whatsoever.

12. He had no sense of rhythm whatsoever.

13. He has no respect for authority whatsoever.

14. Synonyms for Aught include anything, anything at all, any one thing, whatever, whatsoever, all, anything whatsoever, whatnot, et cetera and etc.

15. There are no GMOs -- genetically modified organisms -- whatsoever.

Không hề có chuyện biến đổi gene, hay bất kì sinh vật biến đổi di truyền nào.

16. We have no opinion on the matter whatsoever.

17. One week later, I had no sawdust piles whatsoever.

Một tuần sau, tôi không còn thấy bất kỳ đống mùn cưa nào cả.

18. He has no respect for authority whatsoever. Sentencedict.com

19. They don't put it at any risk whatsoever.

20. She has no recollection of her fall whatsoever?

Cô ấy chẳng còn nhớ gì về cú ngã hay gì hết sao?

21. No condemnation whatsoever of all this criminal activity!

22. But Chris has absolutely no criminal record whatsoever.

23. There is no place whatsoever for other gods.

24. It can be put down on any substrate whatsoever.

Có thể được đặt trên bất kì chất nền nào.

25. There is no reason whatsoever to doubt her story.

26. He's a complete nutter. He's got no sense whatsoever.

27. There's no risk whatsoever, except of being cured, of course.

28. All of these are “unreality,” of no value whatsoever.

29. Actually, he presented no argument of any kind whatsoever!

30. The attack may occur with no preceding tension whatsoever.

31. There is no role whatsoever for a third party.

32. Our story has nothing whatsoever to do with Indians.

Dù sao, câu chuyện của chúng ta không dính dáng gì tới người Da đỏ.

33. Pressors and vasodilators have not improved her condition whatsoever.

Gen ép và thuốc làm giãn mạch không cải thiện được tình trạng này.

34. My staff had nothing whatsoever to do with this.

35. Without doubt the gutter press whirlwind contained no substance whatsoever.

36. 93 And in whatsoever village or city ye enter, do likewise.

93 Và bất cứ làng mạc hay thành phố nào các ngươi đến, cũng hãy làm như vậy.

37. You are making a judgemental statement that makes no sense, whatsoever.

38. For when Joseph Smith translated, he had no notes whatsoever.

Vì khi Joseph Smith phiên dịch, ông không hề có một tài liệu ghi chú nào cả.

39. I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds.

40. As an intern, she didn't have any direct involvement whatsoever.

Là người thực tập, cô ấy không có tham gia trực tiếp nào. Dù sao chăng nữa.

41. Apolitical A person with absolutely no interest whatsoever in politics

42. Whatsoever nonsense the newspapers print, some people always believe it.

43. My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.

44. This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever.

45. Vincenzo Giuliani felt no need whatsoever to pander to that illusion.

46. 3 My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.

47. The course they sent me on was of no help whatsoever!

48. Gold, silver, and other valuable things will provide no security whatsoever.

Trong ngày ấy, mọi thứ mà thế gian của Sa-tan tin cậy sẽ sụp đổ.

49. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.

50. I have absolutely no desire to get you in the sack whatsoever