whatnot in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- đồ linh tinh; thứ tầm thường (không ai để ý hoặc không có gì đặc biệt)
- she'd put these whatnots in her hair as decoration
- cô ấy gài những thứ linh tinh này lên tóc để trang điểm
- tủ có kệ

Sentence patterns related to "whatnot"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "whatnot" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "whatnot", or refer to the context using the word "whatnot" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Does he have religious affiliation and whatnot?

2. 6 Does he have religious affiliation and whatnot?

3. They'll " always " love each other, and whatnot.

Họ sẽ " luôn luôn " yêu nhau hay đại loại thế.

4. They still have old blackboards and whatnot.

Họ vẫn sử dụng bảng đen và một vài thứ tương tự.

5. This book talks about politics and whatnot.

6. All high tech and computers and whatnot.

7. New York is full of cheats and whatnot.

8. It's a new firm. They make toys and whatnot.

9. Because, because, because of the acid and whatnot.

10. I had no problem relating to the roughs and whatnot.

11. Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot.

Hai bộ giặt khô một và túi đồ linh tinh.

12. There was Diop and slavery and New World colonialism and whatnot.

13. Junho used to complain about Jaebeom using the whole closet and whatnot.

14. Some went ahead of the caravan and came upon the whatnot tree.

15. I like to read books on variable topics - medicine , energy, arts and whatnot.

16. Put your bags, cases and whatnot in the back of the car.

17. Get the RV in shape, tune-up, oil change, brake lights, and whatnot.

Lo cái xe RV chạy tốt, hiệu chỉnh, thay dầu, đèn phanh, mấy đồ linh tinh.

18. Automatically adjusts the levels to changes in, like, air pressure and whatnot.

Tự động điều chỉnh mức độ thay đổi áp suất không khí và mấy thứ kiểu kiểu vậy.

19. 13 There was Diop and slavery and New World colonialism and whatnot.

20. Let's meet on Monday night and we can get dinner or whatnot.

21. They were all hungry and the whatnot fruits looked like delicious ripe mangoes.

22. I always check the pieces of whatnot, to make sure they aren't important whatnots.

23. We got ourselves together and went over to see the families and whatnot.

24. The council can send messages or letters or whatnot in Spanish to their constituents.

25. The women were there in their jeans and T-shirts and overalls and whatnot.

26. Dividend kings, champions, Contenders, or whatnot can’t just pay out a dividend on schedule

27. Would you not be much faster without the pipes and tank and whatnot weighing you down?

Anh sẽ bay nhanh hơn khi không có ống dẫn, thùng chứa và những thứ cồng kềnh kia.

28. I don't want to use garish means like philosophy and whatnot to pull people in.

29. There's also a small circular satellite stage for introductions and whatnot in the centre of arena.

30. That came from seeing people undersell his abilities and calling him vastly overrated and whatnot.

31. You shout for the guard, get him over here and use your feminine wiles and whatnot.

Em gọi lính canh, kéo hắn lại gần dùng khả năng quyến rũ của mình ấy

32. Then a ton of C rations and ammunition and whatnot came down on top of me.

33. So in a traditional model, most of the teacher's time is spent doing lectures and grading and whatnot.

34. Synonyms for Aught include anything, anything at all, any one thing, whatever, whatsoever, all, anything whatsoever, whatnot, et cetera and etc.

35. I had an entire house before, detached and all, but I was just tired of all the lawn care and upkeep and whatnot.

Trước đây tôi từng có cả một ngôi nhà riêng rất đuề huề... nhưng tôi phát mệt với việc cắt cỏ, việc bảo dưỡng và đồ lặt vặt.

36. And the mangroves were providing wood and honey and leaves for the animals, so that they could produce milk and whatnot, like we had in the Biosphere.

Và cây đước sẽ cung cấp gỗ mật ong, và lá cây cho động vật, để chúng có thể cho sữa và những thứ linh tinh khác, giống như cái chúng tôi làm ở Biosphere 2.

37. You used to start out in college with a course in data structures, with linked lists and hash tables and whatnot, with extensive use of pointers.

38. Just tell her how guilty she made me feel for being such a terrible absentee dad, how I want to make good with junior, a little fatherly bonding, whatnot.

Chỉ cần nói với chị ta chị ta sẽ làm tôi thấy tội lỗi nhiều như thế nào vì là 1 người cha tồi tệ và lạnh lùng, tôi muốn làm lành với thằng bé như thế nào, thể hiện tình cha con, gì gì đó.

39. Besties is a short word for best friend, they get you throught thought times and alwas have your back.and they also tell the truth all the time no matter whatnot can also have lots of Besties Jerald Ibrhim Alexa are Besties …

40. Degrading another movie, and bringin' an "Aight" Movie, with Decent F/X Solid Acting, and Refreshing Perspective Storyline, whatnot, is not to say a fan of Sci-Fi appreciates the Genre, as it is, Fromage and aLLBattle: Los Angeles Set Photos /Film