take on a responsibility (to..) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-nhận trách nhiệm

Sentence patterns related to "take on a responsibility to.."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "take on a responsibility to.." from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "take on a responsibility to..", or refer to the context using the word "take on a responsibility to.." in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Take responsibility.

Anh phải chịu trách nhiệm.

2. * Take responsibility for errors, desire to improve.

* Chịu trách nhiệm về những sai sót, mong muốn cải thiện.

3. I have a responsibility to take care of this kingdom.

Ta còn có trách nhiệm chăm lo cho quốc gia này.

4. Bill refused to take responsibility for the accident.

5. Well, there has to be a way to take responsibility without shattering everything.

Chắc chắn là có cách để chịu trách nhiệm mà không làm tiêu tan tất cả.

6. We will take the responsibility of chartering a ship.

7. Why can't people just take responsibility for their shit and move on?

Sao không cùng nhau giữ vững tình cảm và vượt qua những chuyện vớ vẫn đó?

8. How can those who are elders aid others to take on heavier loads of responsibility?

9. Will you take the responsibility of chartering a ship?

10. • Take over responsibility for complex pension activities

11. Managementmust take ultimate responsibility for the strike.

12. Though they have yet to gain experience, through training they can be helped to take on more responsibility.

13. 6 We must take seriously our responsibility to make return visits.

6 Chúng ta phải nghiêm trang nhận lãnh trách nhiệm đi viếng thăm lại.

14. Determine what you will do to take responsibility for that improvement.

Quyết định điều nào mà các anh chị em sẽ làm để chịu trách nhiệm về sự cải tiến đó.

15. And as Africans, we need to take responsibility for our continent.

Là 1 người châu Phi, chúng ta cần có trách nhiệm với châu lục của mình.

16. Take responsibility for your own physical well-being.

Chịu trách nhiệm về sự an lạc thể chất của mình.

17. You must face the music and take responsibility.

18. Will you take responsibility for arranging the food?

19. I just want to help him take responsibility for what he did.

Tôi chỉ muốn hắn nhận lãnh trách nhiệm vì những gì hắn đã làm

20. If you Balk at your mother's suggestion that you take on more responsibility, you're saying no to added chores

21. You have a responsibility to the world, to the state, to them, to take care of them right.

Bạn có một trách nhiệm với thế giới, với đất nước, với trẻ em, chăm sóc chúng tốt.

22. Authoritarian leaders take full responsibility for goals, decisions, and strategic pathways to success

23. Someone is going to take responsibility for this disaster. Who carry the can.

24. They should never expect anyone to take care of this responsibility for them.

Họ không được trông mong bất cứ người nào khác sẽ lãnh trách nhiệm này cho họ.

25. I implore the United States to take concrete responsibility for this sad episode.