tabulation in Vietnamese

@tabulation /,tæbju'leiʃn/
* danh từ
- sự xếp thành bảng, sự xếp thành cột
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự lập bảng biểu
-sự xếp thành bảng
-trình bày thành bảng
-việc lập bảng
-việc lập bảng biểu
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-lập bảng
-sự lập bảng
-sự phân loại
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-sự định cột
-sự lập thành bảng
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-sự lập bảng (tính)
@Lĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thông
-sự lập biểu

Sentence patterns related to "tabulation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tabulation" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tabulation", or refer to the context using the word "tabulation" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A major application was opinion research tabulation.)

Một ứng dụng chủ yếu là lập bảng nghiên cứu ý kiến.)

2. Originally, this tabulation was a completely mental process.

3. Areographically Flexible debate tournament tabulation software and saw so noble

4. Post-election tabulation Audits can provide solid evidence that election outcomes are correct

5. “A More Accurate Tabulation of Crimes Is Now Being Kept”

6. Induced abortion statistics were provided by Statistics Canada through a custom tabulation request.

7. It was designed to alter the voting tabulation on every machine that received the upgrade.

8. Following the tabulation of votes the winners are announced at the Grammy Awards.

Sau khi chấm điểm phiếu, người chiến thắng được công bố tại Grammy Awards.

9. The same tabulation showed that in just 69 years following 1914 there were 605 of such quakes.

10. As announced in the previous report, web-based access to the Eurofarm tabulation system has been developed and tested.

11. The development of the building blocks for the data aggregation, disclosure control, standard error estimation and tabulation is also quite far.

12. That the tabulation or registering of crimes is still very incomplete and that statistics at best can only indicate certain trends.

13. Lack of transparency and accountability during the vote count, the tabulation of the vote and the announcement of results.

14. The listing in Genesis, chapter 10, therefore might be termed the oldest tabulation of nations, 70 in number.

15. Globally, since neither army provided a complete tabulation of their losses, the exact number of casualties is hard to establish.

16. The election marked the first time that the province used electronic vote tabulation machines from Dominion Voting in a provincial election.

17. If there are ballots that the machine did not count for whatever reason, then that would be an " error in vote tabulation. "

18. With the advent of electronic tabulation came systems where paper cards or sheets could be marked by hand, but counted electronically.

19. It is doubtful whether the tabulation had been published accordingly to the liability to account of the administration of the fund and the SICAV.

20. The software can import any tabulation-separated file in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) format, generated by measuring instruments or simulators.

21. 12 Vote counting machines were not considered in our study because they are primarily used as a tool to assist in vote tabulation.

22. If there are ballots that the machine did not count for whatever reason, then that would be an " error in vote tabulation ".

23. In 1951 a tabulation was made of all the counties in the United States to determine which were not receiving regular visits from Jehovah’s Witnesses.

24. It provides guidance on dissemination strategies, the calculation of indicators, the tabulation of statistics and the integration of statistics on the informal sector in national accounts.

25. The key to good reporting is the tabulation of individual values in a clear, concise manner to account for every animal that was entered into the study.

26. But the Bible tabulation shows that merely a few of Abraham’s natural seed acted on their invitation that was built into the Law covenant.

27. A machine listing will be mailed or emailed to each observer for verification and a provincial/territorial tabulation will be mailed to each Provincial/Territorial Coordinator.

28. Carboy With Tabulation Research-Aid Instruments & Services was established in the year 1992 with a aim to provide cost effective and best-known quality Carboy Bottle and its related products

29. The data set shall be laid down following the International Classification of Health Accounts of the OECD and the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation of the WHO

30. The data set shall be laid down following the International Classification of Health Accounts of the OECD and the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation of the WHO.

31. DATA PRESENTATION The key to good reporting is the tabulation of individual values in a clear, concise manner to account for every animal that was entered into the study.

32. The cost per completed interview should be based on the costs of survey design, data collection, data editing, coding, transposition of raw data to machine-readable forms, tabulation, or data analysis.

33. Khoshtaria listed 13 ways the GD allegedly rigged the polls, including registration manipulations, carousel voting, misuse of anti-Covid procedures, Bribings, intimidation, correction of vote-tabulation protocols, and even an antifungal agent to bypass voter inking procedure.

34. Jehovah God, the highest personage in the universe, without whose knowledge not even the smallest crime could take place, is capable of making a completely accurate tabulation of crimes as a basis for settling accounts with wrongdoers.

35. This page is a tabulation of weights and Abscissae for use in performing Legendre-Gauss quadrature integral approximation, which tries to solve the following function by picking approximate values for n, w i and x i.While only defined for the interval [-1,1], this is actually a universal function, because we can convert the limits of

36. This page is a tabulation of weights and Abscissae for use in performing Legendre-Gauss quadrature integral approximation, which tries to solve the following function by picking approximate values for n, w i and x i.While only defined for the interval [-1,1], this is actually a universal function, because we can convert the limits of integration for