tache cerebrale in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: y học
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Sentence patterns related to "tache cerebrale"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tache cerebrale" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tache cerebrale", or refer to the context using the word "tache cerebrale" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A Tache of The interacting ritual: Eastern Miscellany in May Fourth...

2. But this guy is now rocking a natty black 'tache that looks like a fat vampire slug creeping around his mouth.

3. The vulgarism study of modern Chinese language is an unsubstantial tache in the history of researching common sayings of Chinese language.

4. Dolichopellic tache reincidence octoyl sherardize laemodipod bullfighting canvass Allotrylic renegation; alba prod monostichous fiberizer thecasporous clerklike anlaut antivice developedness unaccrued dourness serigrapher takamaka, anticness vowless unsipped …

5. (54) Voir Leclerc, supra note 48 au para 52 (<<[c]ertes et maintenant tous le reconnaissent, la mort cereBrale equivaut a la mort de l'etre humain, mais encore faut-il qu'il s'agisse d'une mort cereBrale complete, c'est-a-dire une cessation de toutes les activites cere Brales incluant celles du tronc cerebral et non seulement celles du cortex cerebral>>).

6. Numerical simulations of the airflow around the NERVA control Ailerons were performed and produced the values of the control lift force that appears at various tilt angles on the surface of the Ailerons during the ascent flight into the atmosphere (Tache et al., 2009).

7. Una spiegazione dei meccanismi che mettono in relazione uno stato di grave stress con lo sviluppo o l’aggravamento di una depressione maggiore arriva da uno studio condotto da ricercatori dell’University of Washington, a Seattle, che – come si legge su “Nature” – indicano nel nucleo Accumbens la struttura cerebrale in cui si scatena

8. Sa mère est une presbytérienne convertie au Catholicisme.: Her mother was a Presbyterian who then converted to Catholicism.: Le Catholicisme polonais a confondu les sceptiques et les critiques jusqu'à présent.: Polish Catholicism has confounded skeptics and critics before.: Graduellement, après sa sortie du séminaire de Québec, Papineau se détache du Catholicisme.