spoils in Vietnamese

* danh từ, pl
- hàng hoá ăn cắp được
- chiến lợi phẩm
- lợi lộc, bổng lộc

Sentence patterns related to "spoils"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spoils" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spoils", or refer to the context using the word "spoils" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He spoils?

Anh ta hư hỏng à?

2. Spoils will be enjoyed.

sẽ tận hưởng khoái lạc

3. Too much liberty spoils all.

4. To the victors belong the spoils.

Chiến lợi phẩm thuộc về người thắng.

5. Set's army returns with spoils of war.

Quân đội của Set mang chiến lợi phẩm trở về.

6. He is a financier who spoils widows.

7. Instruction for spoils of war (13-54)

Hướng dẫn về chiến lợi phẩm (13-54)

8. To the victor go the spoils

9. To the victor go the spoils.

Chiến lợi phẩm về tay kẻ thắng.

10. Take time for deliberation; hste spoils everything. 

11. Blight: something that spoils the appearance or …

12. I would set desire towards greater spoils.

Tô chỉ muốn nói tới những chiến lợi phẩm sắp đạt được.

13. The soldiers began to divide the spoils.

14. Apparently by desiring the spoils gained by evil means.

Dường như bằng cách ham muốn những lợi lộc bất chính.

15. 2 One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. 

16. A rotten apple spoils the (whole) Bushel 1

17. But the spoils are for you to enjoy.

Nhưng những lợi lộc là do cậu hưởng.

18. He will share these spoils with “the mighty ones.”

Ngài sẽ chia chiến lợi phẩm này với “những kẻ mạnh”.

19. The spoils of victory/war included mounds of treasure and armour.

20. Blights: something that spoils the appearance or completeness of …

21. • But Anyhow it was an argument over the spoils

22. Take what spoils from Egypt you will, but go!

Hãy lấy bất cứ chiến lợi phẩm nào của Ai Cập mà mi muốn, nhưng hãy đi đi!

23. If something Blights an area, it spoils it and makes

24. Capstans became customizable with the release of the update Shrouded Spoils

25. Capstans became customizable with the release of the update Shrouded Spoils

26. The figure on the left spoils the unity of the painting.

27. A wet blanket Meaning: person who spoils other people’s fun

28. Let's get the spoils back to base and appropriate their finer accoutrements.

29. The Anglo-Saxon fleet emerged victorious and, as Huntingdon accounts, "laden with spoils".

Hạm đội Anglo-Saxon giành chiến thắng và theo ghi chép của Huntingdon, "mang đầy chiến lợi phẩm" .

30. Some common synonyms of Booty are loot, plunder, prize, spoils, and spoil

31. Who better to lug our spoils back to the ship when we make landfall?

Ai giỏi kéo chiến lợi phẩm về thuyền khi chúng ta đổ bộ?

32. A Blemish is a small mark on something that spoils its appearance

33. If something Blights your life or your hopes, it damages and spoils them

34. Now thou Assemblest from Iberia's mines, And golden-channel'd Tagus, all the spoils

35. Detail on the Arch of Titus in Rome, showing spoils from Jerusalem’s destruction

Chi tiết trên Khải Hoàn Môn Titus ở Rô-ma, cho thấy những chiến lợi phẩm lấy được khi thành Giê-ru-sa-lem bị hủy diệt

36. When news of this reached Silvanus, he demanded the spoils be sent to him.

Khi tin này đến tay của Silvanus thì ông lại yêu cầu số chiến lợi phẩm này phải được gửi trả về cho mình.

37. As for splitting the spoils and building separate, well, you must be off your noddle.

38. Still commoner and no less repellent is the hardness which spoils so many pretty faces.

39. Promise to take me with you and share in the spoils of you're adventures.

Hãy hứa cho tôi theo cùng và chia sẻ các cuộc phiêu lưu của anh.

40. Antonyms for Bedecks include blemishes, defaces, disfigures, scars, spoils, mutilates, ruins, defiles, maims and flaws

41. Synonyms for Banjaxes include blights, ruins, destroys, spoils, wrecks, damages, devastates, injures, impairs and shatters

42. His presidency marked the beginning of the ascendancy of the party "spoils system" in American politics.

Ngoài ra, nhiệm kỳ tổng thống của ông đã đánh dấu sự lên ngôi của hệ thống bào trợ ('spoil system") trong chính trường Hoa Kỳ.

43. Synonyms for Besmirches include defiles, stains, befouls, soils, contaminates, pollutes, spoils, spots, taints and tarnishes

44. Blemish definition: A Blemish is a small mark on something that spoils its appearance

45. Synonyms for Cossets include babies, coddles, mollycoddles, pampers, indulges, pets, spoils, cockers, overindulges and dandles

46. I am purebred Short - haired Cat note of cats, My master spoils me very much.

47. During wartime a money payment was made from the sultan's coffers to supplement the spoils of war.

48. ‘Though things improve, Serkin, lyrical in the outer movements, spoils the Andante with heavy accents.’.

49. Giant petrels are the vultures of Antarctica and are always the first to the spoils.

Chim hải âu lớn là những con kền kền của Nam Cực, và luôn luôn là những kẻ đầu tiên tiếp cận chiến lợi phẩm.

50. Supporters of the spoils system claimed it made government more efficient because like-minded individuals Cooperated