spent fuel in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-nhiên liệu đã dùng

Sentence patterns related to "spent fuel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spent fuel" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spent fuel", or refer to the context using the word "spent fuel" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 8 Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.

2. Passive apparatus for cooling spent fuel storage tub

3. The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.

4. 4 The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.

5. The blaze has struck reactor four , where spent fuel rods are kept .

Ngọn lửa làm nổ lò phản ứng số bốn nơi chứa các thanh nhiên liệu đã dùng .

6. After about 5 years in a spent fuel pool the spent fuel is radioactively and thermally cool enough to handle, and can be moved to dry storage casks or reprocessed.

Sau khoảng 5 năm trong hố làm lạnh, nguyên liệu tiêu thụ nguội đi và giảm tính phóng xạ đến mức có thể xách được, và nó được chuyển đến các thùng chứa khô hoặc đem tái xử lý.

7. Management of Severely Damaged Spent Fuel and Corium is a new Coordinated Research Project (CRP)

8. After about 500 years of storage, the radioactivity of the spent fuel stems mainly from alpha decay.

9. It is the second fire to hit the spent fuel storage pond at reactor four in 24 hours .

Đây là vụ nổ thứ hai làm nổ hồ chứa nhiên liệu đã dùng tại lò phản ứng số bốn trong vòng 24 giờ .

10. On what specific issues which remained to be tackled, he said that India would need to have the entitlement to reprocess U.S. origin spent fuel so that we do not once again face a Tarapur type situation, when we have accumulated large stocks of spent fuel.

11. 7 They switched to military fire engines to dowse the reactors and the pools of spent fuel rods beside them.

12. The reactor had been shut down before the quake for maintenance , but its spent fuel rods were still stored on the site .

Lò phản ứng đã được ngưng hoạt động để bảo trì trước khi xảy ra động đất , nhưng các thanh nhiên liệu đã dùng vẫn được lưu trữ tại đây .

13. b) Advanced once-through reactor and fuel-cycle technologies for which the quantity of weapons-usable materials available in spent fuel is reduced

14. With the United States of America, we are close to concluding agreement on administrative arrangements for implementing India’s upfront entitlement to reprocess spent fuel.

15. Long-lived radionuclides called "minor actinides" (elements such as neptunium, americium and curium) could be separated from the spent fuel and returned to a dedicated reactor for transmutation.

16. There is debate over whether spent fuel stored in a pool is susceptible to incidents such as earthquakes or terrorist attacks which could potentially result in a release of radiation.

Có tranh luận về việc liệu nhiên liệu đã qua sử dụng được lưu trữ trong một bể có dễ bị các sự cố như động đất hoặc các cuộc tấn công khủng bố có khả năng dẫn đến phóng xạ hay không.

17. In ruling that the Abutters did have standing, the Land Court referred to a Plymouth bylaw that regulates the light industrial district, where the nuclear power station and spent fuel storage facility are located

18. There had been U.S. unilateral suspension of fuel supplies, just as there had been a refusal to allow India to reprocess spent fuel, which kept accumulating as hazardous waste, which the U.S. was also not willing to take back.

19. Margaret Sheehan, an attorney for the Abutters, said last week the challenge against Entergy and town officials came down to whether the spent fuel facility "is a matter of right or does it require a special permit, which would require a public hearing and allow Plymouth to add conditions."