somalia in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-người Xô-ma-lia
-nước Xô-ma-lia
-Xô-ma-lia (tên nước, thủ đô Mogadiscio)

Sentence patterns related to "somalia"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "somalia" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "somalia", or refer to the context using the word "somalia" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Northern Somalia would remain a protectorate, while southern Somalia became a trusteeship.

Bắc Somalia tiếp tục là một vùng bảo hộ trong khi Nam Somalia trở thành một lãnh thổ uỷ trị.

2. Remittances are the lifeblood of Somalia.

Kiều hối là huyết mạch của Somalia.

3. "Senior al Qaeda leader killed in Somalia".

“Lãnh đạo cao cấp của al-Qaeda bị giết tại Somalia”.

4. Other information: profession: accountant, Mogadishu, Somalia

5. As Somalia gained military strength, Ethiopia grew weaker.

Trong khi Somalia đạt được sức mạnh quân sự, thì Ethiopia ngày càng suy yếu.

6. 1991 – Northern Somalia declares independence from the rest of Somalia as the Republic of Somaliland but is not recognized by the international community.

1991 - Một lãnh thổ ở bắc bộ Somalia tuyên bố độc lập khỏi phần còn lại của quốc gia, tức Somaliland, song không được cộng đồng quốc tế công nhận.

7. UN envoy Condemns terrorist attack on hotel in Somalia

8. There is little reliable statistical information on urbanization in Somalia.

Có ít thông tin thống kê đáng tin cậy về quá trình đô thị hoá ở Somalia.

9. The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.

10. Buraa is a town in the southwestern Gedo region of Somalia

11. The Afar region cuts across Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti and Eritrea

12. A sandstorm in a refugee camp near the border of Somalia.

13. The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia.

14. A hardline Islamist alliance controls much of southern and central Somalia.

15. The station reported that a group calling itself the Mujahideen of Somalia claimed to be holding them, and criticized Canadian and Australian involvement in the conflict in Somalia.

16. During these lectures, Rogo repeatedly called for the use of violence against both the United Nations and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces in Somalia, and urged his audiences to travel to Somalia to join al-Shabaab’s fight against the Kenyan Government.

17. Monthly remittances, on average, to Somalia is larger than that amount.

Bình quân kiều hối hàng tháng đến Somalia lớn hơn khoản thu nhập bình quân đấy.

18. However, Somalia was easily overpowering Ethiopian military hardware and technology capability.

Tuy nhiên, Somalia dễ dàng áp đảo năng lực vũ khí và kỹ thuật của Ethiopia.

19. There are few man-portable air-defence systems remaining in Somalia

20. Somalia, pop. 9 million, income per head about £60 a week.

21. The heat and humidity in Somalia and Eritrea were often extreme.

Khí hậu ở Somalia và Eritrea thường quá nóng và ẩm ướt.

22. Acts of brutality committed in Somalia by soldiers from EU Member States

23. When Somalia became independent in 1960, Italy's eight-decade experience with colonialism ended.

Khi Somalia độc lập vào năm 1960, tám thập kỷ của Ý với chủ nghĩa thực dân đã chấm dứt.

24. East Timor and Somalia : Two Different Nations , Two Different Reactions to Peacekeepers.

25. He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia.

26. A police function has become accepted as our role in Haiti and Somalia.

27. Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia: Working Group 4 (4th meeting)

28. The amazing African tribe Bubal lives in the deserted lands of Kenya and Somalia

29. Such a step, I believe, will be crucial for a lasting settlement in Somalia

30. The song was originally written for Somalia and aspirations of its people for freedom.

Ban đầu, bài hát được viết cho Somalia với nội dung về khát vọng về tự do.

31. Friday's operation took place in the Arabian Sea, about 300 kilometers northeast of Somalia.

32. However, owing to the security situation, UNDP suspended activities in south-central Somalia late in

33. They call themselves the Volunteer Coastguard of Somalia - and it's not hard to see why.

34. This would ensure positive identification and tracking of all aircraft entering the Somalia airspace.

35. He established the al-Qaeda training facility at Ras Kamboni in Somalia near the Kenyan border.

Ông thành lập các cơ sở huấn luyện của al-Qaeda tại Ras Kamboni ở Somalia gần biên giới Kenya.

36. Other information: profession: accountant, Mogadishu, Somalia under the heading Natural persons shall be replaced by

37. • Investigating the violations of the embargo covering access to Somalia by land, air and sea

38. A sustainable, dynamic fishing industry would help us build a more stable and prosperous Somalia.

39. Moalim is also responsible for facilitating shipments of fighters and arms from Yemen to Somalia.

40. Other information: (a) Profession: accountant, Mogadishu, Somalia; (b) Associated with Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI).’

41. Such additional financial burdens undermine businesses and limit the amount businessmen are willing to invest in Somalia.

42. whereas as the fight against Al-Shabaab in Somalia makes incremental advances there is an increasing risk that terrorist activities and destabilisation may move to other parts of Somalia, or further afield in parts of Africa previously not affected

43. The report is based on information gathered in a survey of relevant humanitarian agencies active in Somalia.

44. to investigate the violations of the arms embargo covering access to Somalia by land, air and sea;

45. Expected accomplishment 1.2: Provide effective administrative support to the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS)

46. India would be cooperating with Somalia in capacity building in areas such as fisheries, IT and agriculture.

47. By derogation and taking account of its particular situation, the calculation factor for Somalia is fixed at

48. a) to investigate the violations of the arms embargo covering access to Somalia by land, air and sea

49. From July 2014 until August 2014, she temporarily served as Head of the African Union Mission to Somalia.

Từ tháng 7 năm 2014 đến tháng 8 năm 2014, cô tạm thời giữ chức vụ Trưởng Phái đoàn Liên minh Châu Phi tại Somalia.

50. a) To investigate the violations of the arms embargo covering access to Somalia by land, air and sea