snob in Vietnamese

@snob /snɔb/
* danh từ
- trưởng giả học làm sang, người đua đòi
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) kẻ hợm mình
- (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) người xuất thân từ thành phần nghèo, người không có địa vị
-(ngôn ngữ nhà trường); (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) người thành thị

Sentence patterns related to "snob"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "snob" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "snob", or refer to the context using the word "snob" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. You are a snob.

Anh là một kẻ hợm hĩnh.

2. You're a love snob.

Cái thứ tình yêu hợm hĩnh.

3. She's the most awful snob.

4. She's such a snob!

5. He's a dreadful snob.

6. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a wine snob/a snob where wine is concerned.

7. She was an intellectual snob.

8. Stop being such a snob.

9. Don't be such a snob.

10. Maybe he's just a snob.

Có lẽ cậu ta xuất thân nghèo khổ.

11. These berries even have snob appeal.

12. With respect, Arthur, you're a snob.

Arthur, không xúc phạm gì đâu nhưng ông đúng là hợm hĩnh.

13. I had developed into a cynical snob.

14. That kind of car has real snob appeal .

15. Bubble-head, snob, spoiled princess with a daddy complex.

Ngu ngốc, hợm hĩnh, một công chúa hư hỏng cùng với gia tài to lớn của cha.

16. She did not want to cultivate the snob image.

17. She protested strongly at being called a snob.

18. This car sells well because of its snob value.

19. I'd hate them to put me down as a snob.

20. There is a snob value in driving the latest model.

21. Going to a private school had made her a snob.

22. This work popularised the modern meaning of the word "snob".

Quyển sách làm thịnh hành nghĩa mới của từ "snob" (trưởng giả học làm sang).

23. 3 Going to a private school had made her a snob.

24. I don't want to sound a snob but I thought it vulgar.

25. This part of the town has a lot of snob appeal.

26. Three university researchers say they now have a surprising answer: snob appeal.

27. I think of him as a snob, as an arrogant plantation owner.

Tôi nghĩ hắn là một kẻ kệch cỡm, một tên chủ đồn điền ngạo mạn.

28. They call me a snob and other really mean names like that.

29. SNOB-5G: The first steps into a Scalable Network Backhauling Solution for 5G

30. She thought he was a wooden actor, while he considered her a snob.

Bà nghĩ ông là một diễn viên trơ như củi còn ông thì coi bà là một bà cô hợm hĩnh.

31. That Rous was a snob and a social climber could scarcely be denied.

32. Warren is from an upper middleclass Connecticut family; he's a bit of a snob.

33. Lawler was renowned as a snob which was in total contrast to his wife.

34. If any place could make me into a coffee-convert-snob, it would be Awakenings

35. My mother was such a snob she wouldn't let me play with the local children.

36. Synonyms for Broguer include shoemaker, cobbler, bootmaker, souter, cordwainer, clogger, crispin, snab, snob and soler

37. This is the one where Caine terrorizes a snob commuter in the Compartment of a train

38. And I had to say yes, because I didn't want to be called a snob too.

39. That's not because, or it's not simply because, I'm a snob and want to boast about having an original.

Điều đó không có nghĩa là, chắc chắn không chỉ đơn giản là tôi là một kẻ hợm hĩnh và muốn khoác loác về bức tranh gốc đâu.

40. 5 He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.

41. He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.

42. Perhaps it's mountain snobbery to wish to avoid such a crowd, and if so then I am a mountain snob.

43. She is dating some snob whose mother thinks that Cate is a second class citizen because of her line of work

44. A snob is anybody who takes a small part of you, and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you are.

Một người trưởng giả đua đòi học làm sang là người lấy đi một phần nhỏ của bạn và dùng nó để xây nên hình ảnh đầy đủ của chính bạn.

45. There's lots of ways to be in a relationship, and you would know that if you ever left your little love snob country club.

Có nhiều cách để yêu ai đó, và anh sẽ biết điều đó khi anh rời bỏ cái câu lạc bộ tình yêu hợm hĩnh nhỏ bé của mình.

46. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Plot 3.1 Assassin! Breasts Illusion 4 Trivia 5 Gallery Chichi is a wealthy snob with long hair, red pouty lips and large breasts

47. ‘‘It was Craftily worded,’ admitted one EU diplomat in London.’ More example sentences ‘I'm a food snob - it runs in my family - and this thing, this Craftily tucked pastry square - it made the grade.’

48. ‘‘It was Craftily worded,’ admitted one EU diplomat in London.’ More example sentences ‘I'm a food snob - it runs in my family - and this thing, this Craftily tucked pastry square - it made the grade.’

49. Corkscrewy's snob-free food and wine pairings will give you the tips, tools, and confidence necessary to impress your date, a client, or even the parents you might owe hundreds of thousands of dollars to

50. While the "Charmless man" from the song is a snob from a rich background, who brags he can get anywhere for free, Morrissey is hardly the type of man who tries to socialize with a lot of people or get into parties