shortest route problem in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-bài toán đường đi ngắn nhất

Sentence patterns related to "shortest route problem"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shortest route problem" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shortest route problem", or refer to the context using the word "shortest route problem" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It is the shortest route to Killar.

Bài toán tìm đường đi ngắn nhất cho mọi cặp đỉnh.

2. They went by the shortest route, across the fields.

3. The shortest route home is round the ring road.

4. The chaotic neural network was applied to the shortest path problem, dynamic route guidance network routing algorithm based on transiently chaotic neural network dynamic route guidance was presented.

5. Brachistochrone Problem: Which path from \(A\) to \(B\) is traversed in the shortest time? (Click image to animate.) This is the Brachistochrone (“Shortest Time”) Problem

6. And don't forget, it's the shortest route between the English and French coasts.

Và đừng quên, đó là con đường ngắn nhất giữa bờ biển Anh và Pháp.

7. The shortest route —a journey of about three days— takes them through Samaria.

Lộ trình ngắn nhất này (độ ba ngày đường) dẫn họ qua xứ Sa-ma-ri.

8. This paper deals with TSP by transform TSP to a special Shortest Path Problem.

9. Choose one of the following options for the Benamsara to Bemoa route: Michelin recommended, quickest, shortest or economical

10. In this paper we shall announce the relations and promulgate how to use the Hungarian method for the assignment problem to solve the shortest path problem.

11. 12 The big problem is to link up the route from the north.

12. Backpacking the route is quite feasible and buying provisions shouldn't be a problem.

13. Beth is the shortest female contestant and the shortest first-generation contestant.

14. In 1796 another settler, with the assistance of a First Nations guide, blazed a trail from Antigonish Harbour to Brown's Mountain, using the shortest route.

Năm 1796 một người khai khẩn khác, với sự trợ giúp của một người dẫn đường First Nations, phát quang một con đường mòn từ cảng Antigonish đến Brown's Mountain.

15. The name ``Brachistochrone" was given to this problem by Johann Bernoulli; it comes from the Greek words (shortest) and (time)

16. February is the shortest month.

17. the shortest answer is doing.

18. In hot and arid regions, day-foraging ants face death by desiccation, so the ability to find the shortest route back to the nest reduces that risk.

19. Take the shortest way, please.

20. The shortest answer is doing.

21. Cruxing – When a climber is struggling in the hardest moves on a route or boulder problem

22. Now let's see how the definition of a problem maps onto the route finding, the domain.

Giờ thì ta hãy xem định nghĩa bài toán móc xích ra sao với việc tìm lộ trình, vùng, nhé.

23. Beethoven, preferring not to take the long detour from Nussdorf via the Danube bridge over the Prater, decided on the shortest route, the crossing between Jedlesee and Nussdorf.

24. Put the shortest flowers in the front .

25. "Cryptorchid" is the shortest track on the album and the shortest song in the band's overall discography